1.3 Setting Up Your Android Account
When you set up your android phone, you will be asked to link it into a Google
account. If you don't already use one of the Google products such as: Gmail, Picasa
or YouTube.
Step 1
Click on the Sign Up button on the screen,
Alternately, search for "Google Account" in
any search engine. Enter your name into the
boxes provided and choose your preferred
gmail.com email address. This will be your
future username for Android.
Creating a Google Account
Step 2
If the name you want is already taken, you
will be shown some alternatives. Or you
can try another of your own. Complete the
reminder of the information, including a
phone number and alternative email
address. You will also need to complete a
Captcha form and agree to Google Terms
of Services.
Add a profile picture if you wish. Having a
profile picture of yourself will help friends
and family find you on products like
Google+, Gmail chat, and several other
Google products.