Introduction: Congratulations on your purchase of a Swiftech™ Apogee Drive Series self-powered water-block!
General guidelines: Please read this guide carefully and entirely before you start the installation. Plan your installation ahead. Observe
the relative position of the components for possible interference with other components:
Never work with electricity connected to the computer while work is in progress.
During installation the motherboard must remain disconnected from the power-supply at all times.
In case of a spill or leak on the motherboard, do not panic! As long as the motherboard is not electrically connected, no harm is done. You must
however thoroughly dry the exposed area, using a hair dryer for example, and wait a minimum of 6 to 8 hours prior to re-connecting the motherboard to
its power source.
Tubing Recommendations?
AMD® systems: the Apogee® Drive is pre-assembled for installation with Intel® socket 775 compatible motherboards. Please refer to the Apogee® Drive
AMD® supplemental installation guide (last page) prior to proceeding hereafter.
The clamps should always be completely closed to provide a proper seal.
1. Apply the provided Arctic Céramique™ thermal grease at the center of the
CPU as shown above.
2. Fasten the radiator to the fan by tightening all four screws.
3. Peel-off the protective plastic film from the Apogee® Drive copper base
plate, and carefully wipe-off the copper surface with rubbing alcohol or with
electronics degreaser.
4. Finally, fasten the Apogee® Drive to the processor by tightening all four
screws progressively and in a cross pattern until you reach a firm positive
lock. Cycle thru the four screws twice to make sure that you have equal
tension on all four.
Copyright Swiftech 2007 – All rights reserved – Last revision date: 8-31-07 - Information subject to change without notice – URL:
Rouchon Industries, Inc., dba Swiftech – 3400 Industry ave., suite 104, Lakewood, CA 90712 – Tel. 562-595-8009 – Fax 562-595-8769 - E Mail:
We highly
While all efforts have been made to provide the most comprehensive tutorial possible, Swiftech™
recommend the use
assumes no liability expressed or implied for any damage(s) occurring to your components as a
of Swiftech's 3/8in
result of using Swiftech™ cooling products, either due to mistake or omission on our part in the
Sleeved Norprene
above instructions, or due to failure or defect in the Swiftech™ cooling products.
Tubing (2 x 2 ft).
Swiftech™ assumes no liability, expressed or implied, for the use of this product, and more
Already wrapped with
specifically for any, and all damages caused by the use of this product to any other device in a
Swiftech Smartcoils,
personal computer, whether due to product failure, leak, and electrical short, and or electro-magnetic
this tubing is the best
emissions. Warranty: Our products are guaranteed for 12 months from the date of delivery to the
to work with. Its low
final user against defects in materials or workmanship. During this period, they will be repaired or
porosity rate gives
have parts replaced provided that: (I) the product is returned to the agent from which it was
any liquid cooling
purchased; (II) the product has been purchased by the end user and not used for hire purposes; (III)
system an extended
the product has not been misused, handled carelessly, or other than in accordance with any
period of time without
instructions provided with respect to its use. This guarantee does not confer rights other than those
expressly set out above and does not cover any claims for consequential loss or damage. This
guarantee is offered as an extra benefit and does not affect your statutory rights as a consumer.
Attach the tubes to the Apogee® Drive fittings and clamp them as shown.
The installation is complete!
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In addition,