Educational Insights Teachable Touchables Guia De Inicio Rapido

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Teachable TouchablesTM Texture Squares are a fun, hands-on way to encour-
age young learners' awareness of their sense of touch. Plus, as children enjoy
examining and talking about the squares, they are building their descriptive
vocabulary. Try some of these activity ideas:
Alike and Different
Set out three texture squares: two that match and one that is different. Have a child identify the one that is
different and discuss why. Extension: Have children try this with their eyes closed or with the texture squares in
the bag.
Feel and Find
Separate the ten texture square pairs. Place one square of each of the pairs back into the bag. Place the other
square on a table or tray. Have a child choose one of the texture squares from the tray. Then, closing his eyes,
have him reach into the bag and try to find the matching square by touch alone. If he has difficulty, remove some
of the squares from the bag or allow him to find it by sight.
Texture Partners
Place each texture square in a small paper bag and give the bags to children. Play some lively music. Have
children walk around taking turns placing their hands in one another's bags trying to find someone whose texture
square matches theirs. Once children have found their "texture partner," they should sit down together.
Texture Talk
Sensory words can be difficult for young learners. For example, they may say the smooth, mirrored square feels
"shiny," rather than looks shiny and feels smooth or slick. Before you begin, spend some time with children feel-
ing the squares and describing how they feel. As children work with the texture squares and other objects in your
school environment, help them build a vocabulary of adjectives to describe how things feel: rough/smooth, hard/
soft, sticky/slick, heavy/light, hot/cold, slippery, prickly, sharp, stiff, scratchy, bumpy, bristly, spongy, fuzzy, etc.
Texture Walk
Give each child a texture square as reference. Go on a walk around your school or in your neighborhood. En-
courage children to identify things in the environment that have corresponding textures: rough tree bark, a furry
squirrel, a bumpy brick wall, etc.
"I Spy" Textures
Place one square of each of the pairs of texture squares in a bag or other container. Have a child reach inside the
container without looking and choose a square (for example, the fluffy white square). Ask her to describe how the
square feels (for example, "fluffy" or "soft"). Then have her walk around the room, feeling objects, until she has
found something with a similar texture. When she has found something, have her say, "I spy something fluffy. It's
a teddy bear."
More "I Spy" Textures
Describe an object in the room that you have "spied." For example, say, "I spy with my little eye, something that
feels smooth. You look out of it." The first child that correctly guesses what you are describing (a window) takes
the square of the appropriate texture and walks over to identify the object, "I spy with my little eye, something that
feels smooth. It's a window."
Art.Nr. 2161408
Ages 3+
Grades Pre-K+

Resumen de contenidos para Educational Insights Teachable Touchables

  • Página 1 (for example, “fluffy” or “soft”). Then have her walk around the room, feeling objects, until she has found something with a similar texture. When she has found something, have her say, “I spy something fluffy. It’s © Educational Insights, Gardena, CA (U.S.A.). All rights reserved. a teddy bear.”...
  • Página 2 Texture Collages Sentir et Trouver Divide children into small groups. Provide each group with a large piece of construction paper, old magazines, Triez les dix carrés de tissus par paire. Remettez un carré de chaque paire dans le sac. Placez l’autre carré sur scissors, glue, and a texture square as a reference.

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