Generai information about assembly of log cabins
Dear Customer,
Congratu!ations on your purchase. Wìihin these assembly ìnstructions and
accompanying dravi!ngs we describe how lo assemble your log cabin, step
by step.
You purchased a durab:e wood produci thai you wi!I enjoy lor years to come.
For besi resuils we bring lhe following poinls to your attention.
• Ti1e pallet contents should be checked withìn 14 days o/ receipt and prior
to assemb:y.
· Outdoor Lite Group Meder!and 8. V. cannot be held responsible for any
additional costs due to negligent or insutt i cient check prior to assembly.
· Unpack 1he wood two days prior to assembly so it can adjust lo the areas
humidity leve!.
· T ake off \he foii and piace the planks and beams apart !rom each other in a
p!ace where they are not exposed to sun and rain.
· Check agalnst the ìncluded packìng Hsi to ensure that ali parts are present.
· lt ìs important to restack the ìog cabin parts if assemb1y ìs not or cannot be
carrìed out immediateiy and lo cover it with lhe foil that ser1ed as protecHon
for the pallet so that they are not exposed to sun and raìn.
- Do not store the package in a heated room
In case ol home delìverìes
The log cabin is delivered on a paHet packed in foiL The deiivery address must
be accessible for lorries with a permissible tota! weighi of 38 tonnes.
Receìpt of goods:
Before you sign the deiiverJ manifest of the carrier, you shouid check the
1. Do tlìe detaìls on the delivery maniiest correspond with your order?
2. is the log cabin deiivered on a pailet packed in foil?
3. is any damage visib!e on the oulsìde?
if any of the above checks are rot satisfactory, this should be marked on the
manifest and enr!orsed by rhe carr!er before you sign for the de!ivery.
We take gr1:Jat care in production and packaging in arder to deliver a qualily
produci. Il can, however, happen thai the deHvered goods are not satisfactory.
!f any pa:is are missing or are damaged in such a way so as they cannot be
used, this shouid be reported ìn writìng or by e-mail or fax to our customer
serv!ce desk within 14 days.
Alter Sales
Shouid vou have a comolaint. there is an ".After Sales form'' induded in lhe
packagé. Read the lnst;ucHons on thls form carefully and fili it in wilh the
fol!owing lnformaiicn:
- Order number: this is ihe number under which lhe order is registered and
processed by us. You can find this number on tl1e slicker on the package
and on the deHverv manifest.
• Produclion numbe;: this is a number used for the series producìions: it starts
wHh the lwo lelters CN or PN You wiH find the rmber on the sUcker of lhé
package and/or stamped on the assembly ìnstruction booklet
• Your narne. address and telephone number
· The article number(s) oi lhe part(s) concerned wlth a report of the cornp!aint.
You can fax this compieteci comp:aints form together wi1h the delivery note
to the iax number below:
Outdoor Life Group Nederland B, V.
Customer service desk
Lage Akkerweg 13
5711 DD Someren
Fax: (+31) (0)493·441510
Roofìng felt
© Outdoor Lìfe Group Nederland B.V. - v250915
or course you can also contact your deater.
We wììl process your complaint carefu!iy ard send replacement parts as
soon as possible. Compialnts concerning materìals tlì a t have been painted
cannot be accepted.
- Follow the assernb!y instructions i drawings carefully.
• lt is irnportant to have a foundation for the cabin.
You can choose between
• A foundation with ring joists
• Concrete tiles
• A concrete foundation beam or a concrete floor
- The iunction belween foundation and loa cabin can be sealed with sHicone.
• Pro1/iae sufiicient ventiiafon in your tog �abin.
Useiul tìps
Ensure that the base on which the log cabin ìs placed is tìrm and levet.
- Ensure that the !oundation and floor joists are piaced severa! cenlimetres
above qround ievei.
- Make stJre the toa cabin is anchored to the base or foundation.
Remember !o insure your /og cabin.
- Provide sufficlent ventiiaUon in your 109 cabin.
• Lubricate the !ock once a year with graphite powder.
- Use soap to clean the acrylic glass. Never use an abiasive.
• ìhe plastic foil can be used as a damp proof separaUng layer between
foundation and the !og cabin.
- Durìng unpacking or the pailet, you rnust separale the joists and wat!
!ogs prior to lifting !hem up in arder to prevent damage tG the torgue and
· Prì o r to the assembly of the /og cabin, you have to treai the tongue and
groove ot the wall parts as weil as the floor and rooting parts with a moisture
resis!an! stain. You can use the same stain for prolecHon of the wood of
ti1e entìre log cabin after assembiy. Repeating this trnatmen! regular:y wi!!
signincantly prolong the iife of your :og cabin.
· Depend!ng on the locai condilions, it is best you treat tile inside of the log
cabin and the door at least every three years wilh a moìsture resistant stain
that . is suitabie lor indoor and outdoor use. For more information contact
your supplier.
Wood is a natural !iving produci. ìhis rnears !ha! every piece o! wood has a
differant structure and pattern. !t is quite normai ihat deviations can appear in
wood; this gives wood its natural charm.
Tolerable devìalions:
- Knots orown ìnto the wood
- Knots failìng out with a maximum diameter of 4 cm
- Shavings, tree bark on the backside of roof and fbor joists. provided that the
visible side can be assemb!ed.
• Disco!orations (these do not aflect the !ife span)
• Cracks lhat do not atfect lhe construction
· Resin pouches
- Warpìng and twisting, provided it does not affect the assembìy
• Finger joints in sidewalls as well as doors and windows.
5 year guarantee, excluding hìnges and locks.
Not covered by the guarantee are defects resulting !rom:
• A faulty !oundation
- A loundation that is not leve\
- Non-observance ol the assembly instructions
• lnsufficient maintenance and use of a non-moisture resistant paint
· Fauìty, no! competently laid or insulficient roofing materiai
· Joining wa!l logs, window and door frames by screws or nai!s
- Darnage as a result o! not competentiy buìit up or altered ìnsiallation
Accessori es
• The absence of and/or fau!ty attached roof anchoring ithis is alwavs nart
of the deiivery)
• Natural disasters or other forceful influences
• Wìnd speeds over lerce 7 on 1he Beaufort scaie.
• Windows and doors are not offered as standard with real glass. !f ihis does
happen, and any glass damage occurs, this cannot be claìmed based on
ihe delivery.
· Your :og cabin lìas to be proper!y anchored against storrny weather
• lnsurance of your !og cabin is, as a r: J le. not included in a standard house
or household policy. H desired you can ìnsure your cabin against damages
from outsìde, inciuding vandalism and stormy weather. Contaci your insu
rance agent about the possibilitres.
- Assembly instructions are included lor any addilional delivered accessories
such as porch. flower box, shulters, and addit!ons.
lmportantl Possible causes of any occurring problems.
A. Crack forming in the wal!s:
Wood is a!ive and ad/usts to d1anging weather conditions. in some areas
this situaiion occurs to an extreme. !n extremely dry weather it can occur ihat
a crack appears between some of the wal! logs. lf this sìtuation arises you
have to act as foliows:
Step 1: Remove the uppem1ost part of the doorframe on the insìde of the door
in order to check ii the beam underneath is stm leaning on the doorfrarne.
lf this ìs tr.e case, foliow steps 2 through 5. if this is no! the case, contact
Outdoor Lite Group Nederland B.V. or your dealer.
Step 2: In order to remove a crack, unscrnw the cover of the doorframe on
tile inside and remove the door and the frame.
Step 3: Using a saw increase the door opening at the top by .... cm (depen
ding on the sfze of ihe crack. but al most 1 cm).
Step 4: lf the crack is stitl present. softly tap with a hammer on the rooi above
the corner joint ( use a rubber ilammer) untìt the waH beams are back in their
originai posilions.
Step 5: Replace door and windows.
B. Roof boards bulging:
Each root board has to be artached with r110 nans per joint ( side wal!s and rool
beams). lf only one naii ìs used per joìnt, the rooi board wil! move obliquely
ami upwards.
C. Damage of tongue and groove
Il is possibie that the tongue and grooves are partiallv darnaned durìnq trans
portation. As long as lhe protection between tongue and groo;e is guaranteed
during assemb:y, ìt does not portray a reason to claim. Slìght damage to lhe
langue and groove does not afiect the stability of your cabin.
You will find more information concernìng log cabìns and olher wood
produc!s on our webpage. (www,outdoor!ifeproducls,com)
lnside view
Outside vìew
, '
Log cabin
with floor