Hold a titbit in your right hand, then with the left hand gently lift
his head as you give the sit command. Repeat, always rewarding
your dog with titbits or praise.
Using a long lead, have your dog sit and then step back with
your right hand held flat towards your dog and say "Stay". Then
step forward to reward him and repeat the exercise, gradually
increasing the distance between you and the dog.
First, ask your dog to sit; then use a titbit or toy in front of
his forelegs to persuade him to adopt the down posture. If
necessary add a slight downward pressure on the Halti.
Come training should be taught when you first acquire a puppy.
Have your puppy on a long lead and step backwards encouraging
him to follow with his name and the word come. Alternatively,
say come and gently pull your dog toward you to receive a titbit
reward. Repeat the exercise, gradually increasing the distance
between you and the dog.
If you have problems with your dog's
seek help from your veterinary surgeon,
a local qualified trainer or behaviourist.