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SQ33 Sequencer
Includes Fan Sensor Kit
Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para Hoefer SQ33

  • Página 1 Hoefer SQ33 Sequencer Includes Fan Sensor Kit   SQ33-IM/Rev.B0/03-13...
  • Página 2: Tabla De Contenido

    Page finder Important Information ........... ii Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) ....... ix 1. SQ33 Function and Description ......1 2. SQ33 Specifications ..........2 3. SQ33 Operating Instructions ......4 4. Installation and Operation of the Fan Sensor Kit ........11 5. SQ33 Care and Maintenance ......13 6.
  • Página 3: Important Information

    Important Information – Duležité informace – Czech English SQ33: • Pokud toto zařízení používat způsobem, který není specifikován Hoefera, Inc ochrana poskytovaná zařízením SQ33: může být snížena. • If this equipment is used in a manner not specified by • Tento přístroj je určen pro vnitřní laboratorní použití. Hoefer, Inc. the protection provided by the equipment may • Pouze příslušenství a díly schválené nebo dodané Hoefera, be impaired. Inc mohou být použity pro provoz, údržbu a servis tohoto • This instrument is designed for indoor laboratory use only. produktu. • Only accessories and parts approved or supplied by Hoefer, • Používejte pouze napájecí zdroj, který je označen značkou Inc. may be used for operating, maintaining, and servicing CE nebo bezpečnost certifikována celostátně uznávanou this product. testovací laboratoří. • Only use a power supply that is CE marked or safety certified • Bezpečnostní víko musí být na místě před připojením by a nationally recognized testing laboratory. napájení vede k napájení.
  • Página 4 Vigtig information – Danish Belangrijke informatie – Dutch SQ33: SQ33: • Hvis dette udstyr bruges på en måde, der ikke er specifice- • Als deze apparatuur wordt gebruikt op een manier niet ret af Hoefer, Inc. den beskyttelse, som udstyret kan være bepaald door Hoefer, Inc de bescherming die door de appa- værdiforringet. ratuur worden aangetast. • Dette instrument er beregnet til indendørs laboratorium • Dit instrument is ontworpen voor gebruik binnenshuis labo- brug. ratorium gebruik. • Kun tilbehør og dele godkendt eller leveret af Hoefer, Inc. • Alleen accessoires en onderdelen zijn goedgekeurd of kan anvendes til drift, vedligeholdelse og service af dette geleverd door Hoefer, Inc kan worden gebruikt voor produkt. exploitatie, het onderhoud en reparatie van dit product. • Brug kun en strømforsyning, der er CE-mærket eller sikker- • Gebruik alleen een voeding die CE-markering of de hedscertificeret med et statsanerkendt prøvningslabora- veiligheid gecertificeerd is door een nationaal erkende torium. testlaboratorium.
  • Página 5 Tärkeitä tietoja – Finnish Informations importantes – French SQ33: • Jos laitetta käytetään tavalla ei määritelty Hoefer, Inc. SQ33: antama suojaus saattaa heiketä. • Si cet équipement est utilisé d’une manière non spécifiée • Tämä väline on suunniteltu sisätiloissa laboratorion käyt- par Hoefer, Inc la protection fournie par l’équipement peut töön. être altérée. • Vain lisätarvikkeet ja osat hyväksytty tai toimittamia Hoefer, • Cet instrument est conçu pour une utilisation en laboratoire Inc. voi käyttää käytöstä, ylläpidosta ja huoltoa tuote. à l’intérieur uniquement. • Käytä vain virtalähdettä, joka on CE-merkitty ja turvallisuutta • Seuls les accessoires et les pièces approuvées ou fournies sertifioitu kansallisesti tunnustettu testauslaboratorio. par Hoefer, Inc peut être utilisé pour le fonctionnement, la • Turvallisuus Kannen on oltava paikoillaan ennen kuin kytket maintenance et l’entretien de cet appareil. virtalähteen johtaa virtalähteeseen. • Utilisez uniquement un bloc d’alimentation qui est marqué • Käännä kaikki virtalähteen ohjaa virta ja irrota virtajohdot CE ou la sécurité certifié par un laboratoire reconnu au...
  • Página 6 • Betreiben Sie das Instrument nicht in extreme Luftfeuchtig- prise de l’instrument à partir d’un froid à un environnement keit (über 80%). Kondensation vermeiden, indem das Gerät chaud. auf Raumtemperatur äquilibrieren, wenn man das Gerät von • Afin de permettre un refroidissement suffisant, assurez-vous einer kalten in eine wärmere Umgebung. que les orifices de l’appareil ne sont pas couverts. • Um eine ausreichende Kühlung zu ermöglichen, stellen Sie sicher, dass die Lüftungsschlitze des Gerätes nicht Wichtige information – German verdeckt sind. Informazioni importanti – Italian SQ33: • Wenn dieses Gerät in einer Weise, die nicht durch Hoefer, SQ33: Inc. angegeben verwendet wird, der Schutz des Geräts beeinträchtigt sein. • Se l’apparecchiatura viene utilizzata in un modo non specifi- • Dieses Instrument ist für den Innen-Einsatz im Labor cato dal Hoefer, Inc. la protezione fornita dallo strumento konzipiert. può essere compromessa. • Nur Zubehör und Teile zugelassen oder von Hoefer, Inc. • Questo strumento è stato progettato per l’uso in laboratorio versorgt kann für den Betrieb verwendet werden, Pflege interno.
  • Página 7 Unngå kondens ved å la enheten tilpasse seg til omgivels- ugare completamente lo strumento prima dell’uso. estemperaturen når du tar instrumentet fra en kaldere til varmere omgivelser. • Non utilizzare lo strumento in alta umidità (superiore all’80%). Evitare la formazione di condensa lasciando che • Å tillate tilstrekkelig kjøling, må du sørge for at ventilasjon- l’unità raggiunga la temperatura ambiente quando prende såpningene på instrumentet ikke er dekket. lo strumento da un freddo a un ambiente più caldo. Wazne informacje – Polish • Per consentire un sufficiente raffreddamento, assicurarsi che le prese d’aria dello strumento non sono coperti. SQ33: Viktig informasjon – Norwegian • Jeśli urządzenie jest używane w sposób, który nie został określony Hoefer, Inc ochrona zapewniana przez urządzenie SQ33: może być zaburzona. • Hvis dette utstyret brukes på en måte som ikke er spesifisert • Instrument ten jest przeznaczony do użytku w pomieszcze- av Hoefer, Inc. beskyttelsen av utstyret kan bli svekket. niach laboratoryjnych tylko. • Dette instrumentet er beregnet for innendørs laboratorium • Tylko części i akcesoria zatwierdzone lub dostarczone przez bruk.
  • Página 8 • Não utilizar o aparelho de extrema umidade (acima de • Aby umożliwić odpowiednie chłodzenie, upewnij się, że 80%). Evitar a condensação, deixando a unidade de atingir a otwory w instrumencie nie są objęte. temperatura ambiente ao tirar o instrumento a partir de um mais frio para um ambiente mais quente. Informação importante – • Para permitir uma refrigeração suficiente, garantir que as aberturas do instrumento não são cobertos. Portuguese Información importante – Spanish SQ33: SQ33: • Se este equipamento for utilizado de uma forma não espe- cificada pelo Hoefer, Inc., a proteção fornecida pelo equipa- • Si este equipo se utiliza de una manera no especificada mento poderá ser prejudicada. por Hoefer, Inc., la protección proporcionada por el equipo • Este instrumento foi projetado para uso em laboratório no puede verse afectada. interior. • Este instrumento está diseñado para uso en laboratorio en • Somente acessórios e peças aprovadas ou fornecidos por interiores. Hoefer, Inc. podem ser utilizados para a operação, manuten- • Sólo los accesorios y partes homologado o suministrado...
  • Página 9 • Använd inte instrumentet i hög luftfuktighet (över 80%). • No utilice el instrumento en condiciones de extrema Undvik kondens genom att låta enheten jämvikt till rums- humedad (superior al 80%). Evite la condensación permi- temperatur när du tar instrumentet från en kallare till en tiendo que la unidad alcance la temperatura ambiente en varmare omgivning. el momento de tomar el instrumento a una más fría que la • För att möjliggöra tillräcklig kylning, se till att ventilerna i temperatura normal. instrumentet inte omfattas. • Para permitir la refrigeración adecuada, asegúrese de que los orificios de ventilación del equipo no están cubiertos. Viktig information – Swedish SQ33: • Om denna utrustning används på ett sätt som inte specifi- ceras av Hoefer, Inc. skydd som utrustningen kan försämras. • Detta instrument är avsett för inomhusbruk laboratorium bruk. • Endast tillbehör och reservdelar godkända eller levereras av Hoefer, Inc. kan användas för drift, underhåll och service av denna produkt. • Använd endast en strömkälla som är CE-märkt eller säkerhet certifierad av ett nationellt erkänt testlaboratorium. • Säkerheten Locket måste sitta på plats innan du ansluter strömförsörjningen leder till en strömkälla. • Slå alla strömförsörjningen kontrollerar av och kopplar leder innan du tar bort säkerheten locket.
  • Página 10: Waste Electrical And Electronic Equipment (Weee)

    Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) English This symbol indicates that the waste of electrical and electronic equipment must not be disposed as unsorted municipal waste and must be collected separately. Please contact an authorized representative of the manufacturer for information concerning the decommissioning of your equipment.
  • Página 11 First check that the apparatus has been received complete and undamaged following shipment. Any faults or losses must be reported to Hoefer immediately. Hoefer cannot accept responsibility for goods returned without prior notification. Refer to the packing list and check that all components and accessories are present.
  • Página 12: Sq33 Function And Description

    SQ33 Sequencer offers a wide gel format for increased sample capacity and Shark’s Tooth combs to ensure optimal band resolu- tion. The SQ33 Sequencer is perfect for DNA sequencing, DNAse and RNase footprinting, and heteroduplex or oligonucleotide analysis. The removable lower buffer chamber combined with the upper buffer chamber drainage tap make buffer disposal easy and safe.
  • Página 13: Sq33 Specifications

    2. SQ33 Specifications Unit Dimensions (W × D × H) 63 × 21.5 × 50 cm Plate Dimensions (W × H × D) 33 × 41 × 0.4 cm Standard Spacer Dimensions (W × H × D) 10 × 410 × 0.35 mm Active Gel Dimensions (W ×...
  • Página 14: Environmental Conditions

    2.2 Environmental Conditions • This apparatus is intended for indoor use only. • This apparatus can be operated safely up to an alti- tude of 2,000 m. • The normal operating temperature range is between 4 °C and 65 °C. •...
  • Página 15: Sq33 Operating Instructions

    15 minutes with 75 μl. The amount of catalysts may need to be reduced under warm conditions. Do not pour under direct sunlight. The SQ33 Sequencer, using 0.35 mm thick spacers, requires approximately 60 mls of acrylamide solution. •...
  • Página 16 3.2 Gel Pouring Remove any greasy fingerprints or water on the edges of the glass plates by wiping with acetone. Lay the plain glass plate on a flat surface and arrange the spacers flush with the edges of the plate. Carefully lay the notched glass plate on top and clamp the plates together.
  • Página 17 Figure 1. Pouring gels horizontally. Tap firmly with fingers over areas such as this • Hold syringe vertically. Notched Area • Move across notched area to maintain a pool of gel mix. • Do not overfill. • Do not attempt to force gel mix down between plates with the syringe jet.
  • Página 18: Unit Assembly

    The gel polymerization should occur within 10 minutes but allow the gel to polymerize further for at least 90 minutes. If it is to polymerize overnight, enclose wet tissues under a cling film seal to prevent the ends of the gel from drying out. If you are using a square toothed comb do not remove it until it is submerged below the running buffer.
  • Página 19 3.4 Run Conditions and Buffer Volumes Into the upper buffer chamber pour 800 ml (approximately). IMPORTANT! Do not fill over Into the bottom buffer chamber pour 800 ml the maximum fill lines. (approximately). Ensure that there is no buffer leakage. If desired pre-run the gel until the glass plates are warm.
  • Página 20 Typically 45 – 55 Watts constant power will give good results with passive ventilation. If the fan kit is used the power can be increased up to 75 Watts. Ensure that with the buffer system employed the voltage does not exceed the maximum recommended voltage. The resistance of the gel changes throughout electropho- resis when run at constant power so the starting and finishing voltages will be different.
  • Página 21 Note: Do not pry the glass plates apart at the ears. Concentrated leverage in any one area may damage the plates. After removing the gel, clean the plates thoroughly in neutral detergent and rinse with distilled water. A sheet of clean foam rubber placed in the bottom of the sink serves as a useful support and minimizes the risk of plate damage.
  • Página 22: Installation And Operation Of The Fan Sensor Kit

    4. Installation and Operation of the Fan Sensor Kit 4.1 Installation The kit consists of: To fit the fan, simply unscrew and retain the four • 1 × 12 volt fan screws securing the black ventilation cover on the (+4 securing screws) safety lid.
  • Página 23 4.2 Using the Fan Controller Attach the fan connector to the back of the tempera- ture control box. Attach the heat sensor cable into the remaining socket on the rear of the temperature control box. Select the temperature you require to run the gel at, noting that while the control unit is factory calibrated there will be a temperature gradient across both the glass and aluminum plate.
  • Página 24: Sq33 Care And Maintenance

    If any plastic and should not be leakage is seen, do not attempt to repair or use used for cleaning. Do not use the apparatus, but notify Hoefer technical support abrasive creams or scourers. Dry immediately. components with clean tissues •...
  • Página 25: Customer Service Information

    6. Customer Service Information 6.1 Technical Service and Repair Hoefer, Inc. offers complete technical support IMPORTANT! Request a copy of the Hoefer, Inc. “Health and for all of our products. If you have any ques- Safety Declaration” form before tions about how to use this product, or would returning the item.
  • Página 26: Disposal

    7. Disposal This equipment is marked with the crossed out wheeled bin symbol to indicate that it must not be disposed of with unsorted waste. Instead it is your responsibility to dispose of your equipment correctly at life cycle end by handing it over to an authorized facility for separate collection and recycling.
  • Página 27: Warranty

    No liability is accepted for loss or damage aris- ing from the incorrect use of this unit. Hoefer, Inc.’s liability is limited to the repair or replace- ment of the unit or refund of the purchase price, at Hoefer, Inc.’s option.
  • Página 28: Safety Precautions

    • Do not attempt to remove the outer casing or make repairs to our electrical range of products, should any unit fail. • Contact Hoefer, Inc. immediately if the need for repair or servicing should arise. 8.2 Safety Precautions • Should the sensor develop a fault or become disconnected the fan will remain “ON”...
  • Página 29: Ordering Information

    Thickness Well width Well depth Well volume µl Product of wells (mm) (mm) (mm) per 1 mm depth Shark’s Tooth Combs SQ33-C35-48K 0.35 SQ33-C35-60KMC 0.35 SQ33-C35-96K 0.35 Standard Combs SQ33-C35-48 0.35 SQ33-C35-60MC 0.35 *Microtiter spacing for use with a multichannel pipette.
  • Página 30 Hoefer, Inc. 84 October Hill Road Holliston, MA 01746 Toll Free: 1-800-227-4750 Phone: 1-508-893-8999 Fax: 1-508-893-0176 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.hoeferinc.com Hoefer is a registered trademark of Hoefer, Inc. © 2013 Hoefer, Inc. — All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.

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