Wheelie Bar Setup and Adjustment
The Maxx Wheelie Bar can be used on any Maxx truck with the stock rear
skid plate, rear bumper, and rear bumper mounts. It is also compatible with
the Traxxas accessory aluminum rear bumper (Part #4935X). The wheelie
bar is intended for use on hard, high-traction surfaces, such as pavement,
where controlling wheelies can be difficult. It is easily removed for off-road
racing or jumping.
1. Slowly bend the end of
the skid plate downward,
and then key the skid
plate into the slot of the
wheelie bar.
2. Slide the wheelie bar
down to the bottom of
the skid plate, and then
snap the clip over the
lower bumper tube.
3. Removal is opposite of installation. Snap the wheelie bar off of the
bumper, and then slide the wheelie bar off of the skid plate.
Setup Instructions
Changing the position of the wheelie bar height setting is easier when the
wheelie bar is installed on the truck. Snap the upper arms off of the wheelie
position cross bars. Move the upper arms to the desired wheelie position
cross bar and then snap them in place.
Traxxas, 1100 Klein Road, Plano, TX 75074, Phone: 972-265-8000, Fax: 972-265-8011, e-mail:
[email protected]
w w w . T R A X X A S . c o m
Each setting can offer different results
based on the individual ride height and
droop settings for a particular truck. Try
to avoid riding on the wheelie bar
wheels during normal driving (this can
happen in the lowest setting with
lower than stock ride heights).
Remove the wheelie bar when the
truck will be jumped or driven in harsh off-road conditions.
Position 1 (big wheelies)
Bottom position on cross bars.
Allows the truck to tip back the
furthest during a wheelie for
longer, high-speed wheelies.
Position 2
Covers Part #4975
Upper Arms
Cross Bars
Position 3
Position 4
(no wheelies)
The top position on cross bars. Offers
the flattest launches with little or no
wheelie. This is the preferred position
to reduce wheelies during break-in.
KC1772 Rev 121011