M.Z. DEL RÍO, S.A. se compromete al envío de cualquier repuesto que precise para el correcto funcionamiento de su
grifería, estos repuestos pueden ser solicitados a su establecimiento habitual o directamente a M.Z. DEL RÍO.
M.Z. DEL RÍO, S.A. recommends cleaning the taps with a damp cloth; even though the finishes are extremely long-lasting,
cleaning with abrasive and/or corrosive products produces serious damage to them.
M.Z. DEL RÍO, S.A. guarantees all its products against any manufacturing defect. This guarantee is limited to five years
for any mechanical manufacturing defect and for manufacturing defects in chrome, white, pvd gold, satin nickel, old
brass, satin chrome and dark brass finishes. For the rest of the finishes, the guarantee against any manufacturing defect
is limited to two years. Thermostatic cartridges, two years guarantee.
M.Z. DEL RÍO, S.A. recommends keeping this brochure as a future reference for replacement parts. Also, please make
a record of the information on the box label to assist in possible reclamations.
M.Z. DEL RÍO, S.A. shall be exempted from the guarantee if the faulty material is manipulated or repaired by third parties
without its consent. The guarantee does not include deteriorated parts due to notmal use, the transportation of the
material for repair at M.Z. DEL RIO, S.A. warehouses nor the transportation of the new parts that have to be sent to
the purchaser to replace the faulty material. The new parts shall also have a one-year guarantee under the conditions
expressed above.
M.Z. DEL RÍO, S.A. undertakes to send any spare part required for the correct operation of its taps. These spare parts
can be requested from your normal establishment or directly from M.Z. DEL RÍO.
Pol. Ind. Empresarium. Calle lentisco, 12
50720 La Cartuja Baja (Zaragoza). España
Tel. +34 976 571 517 - Fax +34 976 572 018