Playing the game
The Imperial player goes fi rst. The Rebels and the Imperials then take turns. On your turn
you can take TWO actions. Each action is either Move or Attack. You can take the actions in
either order, or take the same action twice with diff erent units.
When you take a Move action, move one of your units one space into an EMPTY connected
space. You can't move over the gaps in the board. If you take the Move action twice in one
turn, you must move two diff erent units.
When you take an Attack action, one of your units can target any unit within its attack range.
You CAN attack over the gaps in the board, but NOT over or through other units. If you take
the Attack action twice in one turn, you must attack with two diff erent units.
Tell your opponent which unit is attacking and which is the target unit. Then roll the LEGO
Dice to fi nd out if the attack hits or misses.
Your opponent must remove one fi gure from the target unit. When the last fi gure on
Your opponent must remove one fi gure from the target unit. When the last fi gure on
an infantry unit is removed, the unit is destroyed. When the last fi gure on any other
an infantry unit is removed, the unit is destroyed. When the last fi gure on any other
unit is removed the unit survives but will be destroyed the next time it is hit. When
a unit is destroyed put it back in the box.
Force Hit
Your opponent must remove one fi gure from the target unit — see 'Hit' above.
Your opponent must remove one fi gure from the target unit — see 'Hit' above.
If you attacked with your infantry unit containing Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker,
you can then use the Force to immediately destroy the target unit!
you can then use the Force to immediately destroy the target unit!
You miss the target unit.
You miss the target unit.
Winning the game
You win the game if you move into your opponent's base
or destroy all of your opponent's units.