2. A fault is indicated by
a drop in current flow
between two check-
points. The fault will be
somewhere between the
two checkpoints.
3. To narrow down location of the fault, work back
along the fence checking the current flow at shorter
4. Correct the fault.
5. After correcting the fault you should see the current
reading drop and the voltage go up. If not, check for
further faults.
Note: Multiwire fences connected in parallel will have
similar current flowing in each wire. To get the total
fence current flow, add together the current flow in
each wire.
You can communicate with the devices operating on your
fence by pressing the
Connected fence zones - None are in alarm
Connected fence zones - 1 and 4 are in alarm
System status is "OK"
No alarms
Energizer status
Not in alarm
System status is "AL"
Alarm/alarms present
Energizer in alarm