1 1 5 5 . . T T e e c c h h n n i i c c a a l l s s p p e e c c i i f f i i c c a a t t i i o o n n s s
Power supply:
Power consumption:
Service temperature:
BELFOX Torautomatik GmbH
Forsthaus 4
36148 Kalbach
230V AC 50Hz / 24V AC 50Hz / 24V DC
+10% / -15%
Standby 24V 60mA with HF-Module
Motor 24V DC
Light output 230V AC max. 100W
Warning light output 230V AC max. 100W
Light + Warning light + input power of the motor (depends on
gate weight) = max. 350Watt
24V AC max. 1A
24V DC max. 500mA
230V AC
Secondary transformer 24V AC or 24V DC battery
Partial opening
Light barrier
Safety input 1
Safety input 2
Reference switch/reed contact
Connector for the aerial
Multipoint connector with 15 poles for connection with radio
Environmental temperature electronics
-20°C up to +50°C with max. 5.5A motor current with 80s
running time.
At higher currents the running time is reduced.
(pot.-free closing)
(pot.-free closing)
(pot.-free closing)
(pot.-free closing)
(pot.-free opener)
(pot.-free opening)
(8,2kΩ / OES)
(8,2kΩ / OES)
(pot.-free opener)
Tel: +49 6655 9695 0
Fax: +49 6655 9695 31