Calibration Procedure - AIR SYSTEMS CO-91 Serie Sustitución Y Procedimiento De Calibración

Monóxido de carbono monitores
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Do not use inert gases to zero the monitor. This will cause premature failure of the sensor.
To zero the monitor, follow the steps below. Zero calibrati on gas should be used to properly "zero" the
monitor and assure that a valid calibrati on is achieved. If zero adjustment cannot be made as indicated, sen-
sor replacement may be necessary. Aft er each monitor adjustment outlined in the steps, allow ti me for the
changes to stabilize.
SteP 1)
Place the "ON/OFF/TEST" switch in the "ON" posi-
ti on.
SteP 2)
Allow 30 seconds for the readout to stabilize. The
green indicator will illuminate.
SteP 3)
Hold the "ON/OFF/TEST" switch in the "TEST" posi-
ti on. The following will occur:
Audible alarm will sound
Green LED will fl ash
Amber Low Batt ery indicator on monitor will
Red LED will be on
This test ensures the circuitry is operable and conti -
nuity to the sensor is proper. Release the switch.
SteP 4)
Remove the air sample inlet tube.
SteP 5)
Install regulator on the zero air cylinder reference

cAliBrAtion ProceDUre

co monitor Zero Adjustment
SteP 6)
Turn the knob on the regulator counterclockwise to
allow the fl ow of gas thru the hose. Verify fl ow of
gas thru the hose via touch or sound.
SteP 7)
Att ach the clear tubing with the male plug to the air
sample inlet on the monitor.
SteP 8)
Allow digital readout to stabilize approximately 15-
30 seconds.
SteP 9)
Adjust the "zero" adjustment screw (clockwise to
increase or counterclockwise to decrease) unti l a
reading of "00" is obtained.
SteP 10)
Turn the regulator off and disconnect the regulator-
from the zero gas cylinder.
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