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Mobile Floor Stand for Tablets (7" to 11") -
Height Adjustable
Actual product may vary from photos
User Manual
For the latest information and specifications visit
Manual Revision: 08/26/2021
Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para StarTech.com STNDTBLTMOB

  • Página 1 Mobile Floor Stand for Tablets (7” to 11”) - Height Adjustable Actual product may vary from photos User Manual SKU: STNDTBLTMOB For the latest information and specifications visit www.startech.com/STNDTBLTMOB Manual Revision: 08/26/2021...
  • Página 2: Compliance Statements

    This manual may make reference to trademarks, registered trademarks, and other protected names and/or symbols of third-party companies not related in any way to StarTech.com. Where they occur these references are for illustrative purposes only and do not represent an endorsement of a product or service by StarTech.com, or an endorsement of the product(s) to which this manual...
  • Página 3: Safety Statements

    Säkerhetsåtgärder • Installation och/eller montering får endast göras av behöriga yrkespersoner och enligt gällande lokala förordningar för säkerhet och byggnormer. To view manuals, videos, drivers, downloads, technical drawings, and more visit www.startech.com/support...
  • Página 4: Warning Statements

    • Se till att all utrustning är korrekt installerad innan du börjar justera produkten. • Innan du börjar flytta på vagnen, se till att hjulen är upplåsta. • Klämrisk! Håll fingrarna borta från rörliga komponenter. To view manuals, videos, drivers, downloads, technical drawings, and more visit www.startech.com/support...
  • Página 5 • 必ず取扱説明書に従って本製品の組み立てを行って下さい。 • 最初に取扱説明書を最後まで読み、 本製品の組み立て方をすべて理解して から組み立て作業を始めて下さい。 • 本製品で定められた最大積載重量を超えないようにして下さい。 最大積載 重量をオーバーした場合、 怪我をする恐れや器物破損の恐れがあります。 • マウントの耐荷重 : 0.90 kg (1.98 lb.) • 本製品に小さなお子様が乗って遊ばないようにして下さい。 お子様が使用 する際には、 適切な監視を怠らないようにして下さい。 • 本製品は、 二人がかりでの組み立てを想定しています。 手助けなしに単独で 組み立てと設置を行わないで下さい。 To view manuals, videos, drivers, downloads, technical drawings, and more visit www.startech.com/support...
  • Página 6: Avertissements

    • Ne dépassez pas la capacité pondérale du produit. Une surcharge du produit peut entraîner des blessures ou des dommages matériels. • Capacité de poids de la monture: 0.90 kg (1.98 lb.) To view manuals, videos, drivers, downloads, technical drawings, and more visit www.startech.com/support...
  • Página 7: Mensagens De Aviso

    Tenha cuidado ao mover, carregar, descarregar e ajustar o produto. Não fazer isso pode resultar em danos ao equipamento e / ou ferimentos pessoais. To view manuals, videos, drivers, downloads, technical drawings, and more visit www.startech.com/support...
  • Página 8: Advertencias De Uso

    • Gestatten Sie Kindern nicht, auf das Produkt zu klettern oder das Produkt ohne Aufsicht zu benutzen. • Dieses Produkt ist nur zum Gebrauch in Innenräumen vorgesehen und sollte nicht im Freien verwendet werden. To view manuals, videos, drivers, downloads, technical drawings, and more visit www.startech.com/support...
  • Página 9 Handhabung oder Überlastung zum Umkippen. Seien Sie vorsichtig, wenn Sie das Produkt bewegen, laden, entladen und einstellen. Andernfalls kann es zu Geräteschäden und / oder Verletzungen kommen. To view manuals, videos, drivers, downloads, technical drawings, and more visit www.startech.com/support viii...
  • Página 10: Tabla De Contenido

    Tilt and Rotate the Tablet Holder Assembly ..................7 Adjust the Height of the Telescopic Pole Assembly ..............8 Rotate the Tablet Holder Assembly ....................8 Warranty Information ................9 Limitation of Liability ................9 To view manuals, videos, drivers, downloads, technical drawings, and more visit www.startech.com/support...
  • Página 11: Product Diagram

    Product Diagram Side View Tablet Holder Telescopic Pole Assembly Base Assembly Casters (x 4) To view manuals, videos, drivers, downloads, technical drawings, and more visit www.startech.com/support...
  • Página 12: Product Dimensions

    Product Dimensions Note: All dimensions in square brackets are in [inches]. All other measurements are in millimeters. Front View Telescopic Pole (Collapsed) Telescopic Pole (Extended) Top View...
  • Página 13: Product Information

    Tablet Holder x 1 • Pole Mounting Screw x 1 • User Manual x 1 • To view manuals, videos, drivers, downloads, technical drawings, and more visit www.startech.com/support To view manuals, videos, drivers, downloads, technical drawings, and more visit www.startech.com/support...
  • Página 14: Installation

    Exercise cau- tion when moving, loading, unloading and adjusting the product. Failure to do so could result in equipment damage and/or personal injury. Snap Together the Base Components To view manuals, videos, drivers, downloads, technical drawings, and more visit www.startech.com/support...
  • Página 15: Thread The Casters Into The Base Assembly

    Thread the Casters into the Base Assembly Attach the Telescopic Pole Assembly to the Base Assembly, Using the Pole Mounting Screw Pole Mounting Screw To view manuals, videos, drivers, downloads, technical drawings, and more visit www.startech.com/support...
  • Página 16: Insert A Tablet Into The Tablet Holder

    Insert a Tablet into the Tablet Holder To view manuals, videos, drivers, downloads, technical drawings, and more visit www.startech.com/support...
  • Página 17: Attach The Tablet Holder Assembly To The Telescopic Pole Assembly

    Attach the Tablet Holder Assembly to the Telescopic Pole Assembly Press and hold the Buttons on either side of the Attachment Point, located at the end of the Telescopic Pole Assembly. Align the Tablet Holder with the Attachment Point, located at the end of the Telescopic Pole Assembly, and release the Buttons.
  • Página 18: Adjust The Height Of The Telescopic Pole Assembly

    Adjust the Height of the Telescopic Pole Assembly Note: Always hold the lower portion of the Telescopic Pole Assembly during height adjustments. Rotate the Tablet Holder Assembly...
  • Página 19: Warranty Information

    Limitation of Liability In no event shall the liability of StarTech.com Ltd. and StarTech.com USA LLP (or their officers, directors, employees or agents) for any damages (whether direct or indirect, special, punitive, incidental, consequential, or otherwise), loss of profits, loss of business, or any pecuniary loss, arising out of or related to the use of the product exceed the actual price paid for the product.
  • Página 20 Hard-to-find made easy. At StarTech.com, that isn’t a slogan. It’s a promise. StarTech.com is your one-stop source for every connectivity part you need. From the latest technology to legacy products — and all the parts that bridge the old and new — we can help you find the parts that connect your solutions.

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