GBC Green PassScan 5 Manual De Usuario página 9

Select " GREEN PASS QR Scanner "
RESET as shown and then connect to the WI-FI hotspot issued by the scanner.
Open the wi-fi settings of your smartphone and connect to the
"GREEN-PASS-SCAN-5-XXX" wi-fi network then return to the app.
On next screen, select yours 2,4GHz WI-FI network and insert your password.
Once the wizard is finished, the reader is ready to scan the certificates and
open access if a lock or contact is connected.
Note: after wi-fi configuration, it is possible to modify the speaker language of device.
Note: The device needs to be connect to the WI-FI at least once a day to obtain the
certification data. However, it can also work without a connection but there will be no
continuous updating of the certification data.
ES – Configuracion WI-FI:
pasos para configurar GREEN PASS SCAN con WI-FI de 2.4GHz.
Presione "+" para agregar el dispositivo
Seleccione " GREEN PASS QR Scanner "
REINICIE como se muestra y luego conéctese al punto de acceso WI-FI emitido
por el escáner. Abra la configuración de wi-fi de su teléfono inteligente y
una vez instalada la aplicación, registre una cuenta y siga los