Do IPL treatments actually work?
Yes, IPL treatments are well tested and are proven to achieve long-term hair reduction
results. Many studies have been documented by professional journals and by well-
respected institutions.
Is IPL safe?
Yes, IPL is a recognised safe treatment which has been used for many years in both
salons and home use devices. Duo Salon has been clinically tested and meets all
European safety standards for a home use device. As with all home-use devices, it is
essential to read and follow the instructions carefully to ensure safe use.
Which body areas can I treat?
The device is designed to remove hair everywhere below the cheek line with the most
commonly treated areas being the legs, underarms, arms and bikini line. However, men
are advised not use IPL hair removal on the face or neck. Nipples, areolae (around the
nipple), the anus and genitals should be avoided.
Does it really matter what hair colour I have?
IPL treatments work best on black or dark brown hair as it's the dark pigment in the hair
that directs light energy to the follicle. It also works on brown, light brown / dark blonde
hair, but may require more treatment sessions to achieve optimum results. IPL is not
effective for red, white, grey or blond hair as there is insufficient pigment to direct the
light energy.
Does it hurt?
When Duo Salon is used correctly, most users feel a slight mild stinging or/and heat
sensation at the time of the pulse light similar to that of snapping an elastic band on the
skin. This is a sign that the device is working. These sensations should quickly diminish
after treatment.
When will I start to see results?
Results are not immediate. Typically within two weeks some hairs in the treated area will
naturally shed. Other hairs which were not in their growth phase at the time of treatment
will remain. These can be treated with subsequent sessions at 2 week intervals. With each
session you can expect to notice less and less hair regrowth.
Will my hair grow back after a treatment?
Results are cumulative so you can expect to see less hairs growing back after each
treatment. Successfully disabling hair follicles is dependent on the growth phase at
the time of treatment, so a number of treatments over a period of time yield the most
effective results. The treated hairs do not grow back. However, certain conditions
including natural ageing, hormonal changes and some medical conditions can induce new
hair growth. Top up treatments can help to manage this.
How long after sun exposure can the device be used?
It is recommended to wait four weeks after unprotected sun exposure. Tanned skin
contains more melanin that can increase the risk for adverse effects including burns and
skin damage. To avoid these adverse effects it is important to allow sufficient time for
melanin levels to subside after tanning.
Should I pull the hair out as part of or after the treatment sessions?
No, it's best to allow the hair to shed naturally over the next couple of weeks. Wiping over
the area with a wet flannel can help to remove shedding hairs.