6.2.5 ERP / DMS
Please contact Samoa Industrial, S.A. to enable this option.
6.2.6 SEND
The last step of the configuration is sending it to the devices on-site.
This delivery is made block by block
You can do it by clicking
In this menu you have four options.
• EMAIL: With this menu you can check if the mail delivery option is
properly set. You have to say if this email is either Cloud-based or
SMTP. In this case, apart from a valid email, you will have to insert
all the SMTP parameters. If the email setting is properly made, you
• DATABASE: You can find two different characteristics:
• Query: You can set several options:
• Customer ID: You can set the text that will appear in the
upper left part of the home screen.
• Show / Hide Disabled users
• VK User (Session time): Time in which the virtual keypad
is closed once the transaction is completed.
• Close VK sessions: It closes all the virtual keypads which
are open at that moment.
• Decimal separator: It sets the decimal separator. Either
"," or "."
• Delete TR in progress: It deletes the transactions in
progress which are stuck in the process (due to a power
cut, for instance)
• Delete Transactions: It deletes the transactions already
made. This is useful when you want to delete the test
transactions in the commissioning process.
• Delete Events: It deletes the events already made. This is
useful when you want to delete the test transactions in
the commissioning process.
• Delete Comdevice: It restart the devices communication
• To get into that option, you have to click on the left
orange icon (i. e.
SAMOA Industrial, S.A. · Pol. Ind. Porceyo, I-14 · Camino del Fontán, 831 · 33392 - Gijón - Spain · Tel.: +34 985 381 488 · www.samoaindustrial.com
in every block.
WARNING: Do not click on any
sent. Please wait until the block sending confirmation green tick
• Backup: You can set two options:
• Create: If you press the icon
transactions backup is made in the USB dongle inserted
in the rear part of the UNet (NOTE: The UNet
automatically back up the configuration and transactions
data weekly)
• Restore: If you press the icon
transactions backup is uploaded from the USB dongle
inserted in the rear part to the UNet.
WARNING: All the data in the UNet will be deleted once you
make this action.
• LOG: It shows the configuration changes traceability.
• SV ACCURACY: With this option you can set a more precise
while the configuration is
, a configuration and
, a configuration and
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