H6M-P20 (G3)/
H6M-P3 (G3) series
MS-7788 (v.x) Mainboard

Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para MSI H61M-P20 Serie

  • Página 1 MS-7788 H6M-P20 (G3)/ H6M-P3 (G3) series MS-7788 (v.x) Mainboard G52-7788X...
  • Página 2: Revision History

    CoPyriGHt NotiCe the material in this document is the intellectual property of MiCro-StAr iN- terNAtioNAL. We take every care in the preparation of this document, but no guarantee is given as to the correctness of its contents. our products are under continual improvement and we reserve the right to make changes without notice.
  • Página 3: Safety Instructions

    Alterna- tively, please try the following help resources for further guidance. ■ Visit the MSi website for technical guide, BioS updates, driver updates, and other information: ■ Contact our technical staff at:
  • Página 4 FCC-B rAdio FreQueNCy iNterFereNCe StAteMeNt this equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital device, pursuant to part 5 of the FCC rules. these limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful in- terference in a residential installation.
  • Página 5: Battery Information

    CHeMiCAL SuBStANCeS iNForMAtioN in compliance with chemical substances regulations, such as the eu reACH regulation (regulation eC No. 907/2006 of the european Parliament and the Council), MSi provides the information of chemical substances in products at: BSMi_eMi 聲明 警告使用者...
  • Página 6: Weee Statement

    MSi will comply with the product take back requirements at the end of life of MSi-branded products that are sold into the eu. you can return these products to local collection points.
  • Página 7 MSi zal overeenkomstig de richtlijn handelen voor de producten die de merknaam MSi dragen en verkocht zijn in de eu. deze goederen kunnen geretourneerd worden op lokale inzamelingspunten.
  • Página 8 MSi si adeguerà a tale direttiva ritirando tutti i prodotti marchiati MSi che sono stati venduti all’interno dell’unione europea alla fine del loro ciclo di vita.
  • Página 9 MS-7788 tABLe oF CoNteNt eNGLiSH ................ GettiNG StArt .................... SPeCiFiCAtioNS ...................2 SCreW HoLeS ....................4 reAr PANeL ....................5 HArdWAre SetuP ..................5 BioS SetuP ....................23 한국어 ................. 29 시작하기 ......................29 사양 ........................30 스크류 홀 ......................32 후면 패널 ......................33 하드웨어 설치 ....................33 BioS 설정...
  • Página 10 简体中文 ................05 简介 ........................05 规格 ........................06 螺丝孔 ......................08 后置面板 ......................09 硬件安装 ......................09 BioS 设置 ......................7 繁體中文 ................23 簡介 ........................23 規格 ........................24 裝機孔 ......................26 背板 ........................27 硬體設定 ......................27 BioS 設定 ......................35 日本語 ................4 はじめに ......................4 マザーボードの仕様 ..................42 取付穴 ......................44 i/oパネル...

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