Trouble Shooting Chart
Valve will not pass water.
Valve leaks when shut off.
Temperature control handle is
turned from cold to hot (or hot
back to cold) and volume from
spout or head is not constant.
quantity of cold, but little hot,
or the reverse.
Temperature varies without
moving handle.
Valve delivery temperature
reduces gradually during use;
handle must be turned to hotter
positions to maintain constant
Valve delivers hot water when
initially opened. Water turns
colder as handle is rotated in
a counter-clockwise direction
toward the hot position.
Service Instructions
Removing control spindle assembly
(Ref. parts assembly figure)
■ Shut off water supply to valve
and remove control valve handle
and dome cover.
■ Remove escutcheon plate by first
removing escutcheon screws.
■ Turn valve's control spindle to half
way position between minimum
and maximum rotation.
do this can damage
control spindle assembly.
■ Unscrew both
spindle cap
control spindle assembly.
Hot/Cold seat repair kit
Order p/n TA-4, T-35A and T-35B.
Installation requires both hot & cold
removal tools, p/n
T-35A & T-35B
■ Remove control spindle assembly.
■ Remove both seats with removal
Symmons Industries, Inc.
(800) 796-6667, (781) 848-2250
© 2010 Symmons Industries, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.
Both hot and cold water
supplies are not turned on.
Hot and cold washers are
worn or foreign matter (dirt,
chips) is lodged between
washers and seat surfaces.
Pressure-balancing piston
housed in spindle assembly
is restricted from free
movement by foreign matter.
Same as above
Same as above
Overdraw on hot water
supply (i.e. running out of
hot water).
Valve is piped incorrectly
(i.e. the hot supply is piped
to the valve's cold inlet and
the cold supply is piped to
the hot inlet.)
■ Replace both seats even if only
one appears worn.
■ Install and tighten both seats to
15 foot pounds of torque.
Control spindle washer repair kit
Order p/n TA-9.
■ Remove control spindle assembly
■ Remove cold washer by holding
spindle using valve handle and
unscrew cold washer retainer
using channel lock pliers.
Failure to
■ Remove hot washer by removing
hot washer screw.
Checking water pressure
balancing piston
The perforated end of the control
spindle assembly houses the water
pressure-balancing piston which is
the heart of the valve.
■ Remove control spindle assembly.
■ Shake spindle assembly and listen
for clicking noise. Piston should
be free to slide back and forth the
full length of its travel.
31 Brooks Drive
Fax (800) 961-9621, (781) 664-1300
Turn on both supplies. Valve will not operate
unless both hot and cold water pressure is on.
1) Replace washers using control spindle washer
2) Replace hot & cold seats using hot/cold seat
1) Open valve halfway, remove handle and tap
2) Check water pressure balancing piston in control
3) Replace control spindle, p/n TA-10.
Reduce maximum flow by using volume control
adjustment on valve or showerhead. This will
allow longer period of use before overdrawing
hot water supply.
If piping is accessible, correct connections to
the valve. If piping is not accessible, order
a reverse seat and tool kit, p/n T-108. Older
installations may also require replacing the hot
seat, hot/cold seat repair kit, p/n TA-4.
Braintree, MA 02184
repair kit, p/n TA-9.
repair kit, p/n TA-4.
spindle with plastic hammer.
spindle. See service instructions.
Same as above
Same as above
■ If piston appears restricted then
do the following:
(1) Tap the handle or stem end of
the spindle against a solid object
to free the piston.
(2) Try soaking in household
vinegar and repeat step (1).
■ If unable to free piston, replace
control spindle
Valve re-assembly
Reassemble by reversing above
After the
control spindle assembly
(TA-10) is threaded back into the
spindle cap assembly (T-12A)
ensure control spindle is rotated 1/2
turn clockwise from its maximum
counter clockwise rotational
position. Failure to do this will
damage assembly.
Do not
attempt removal of
the piston.