Garde 4668 Manual página 2

Reloj de ajedrez mecánico
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registered trademark of EuroChessInternational GmbH & Co. KG
Instructions for the operation of a mechanical chess clock
The mechanical chess clock comprises 2 mechanical movements, with each play-
er allocated one movement.
Prior to the beginning of play, both movements should be wound up using the
winding keys on the rear (1).
The starting position prior to the beginning of play is set by positioning both but-
tons in the central position at the same height.
In this position the movements are immobile.
Now both movements are moved to the game starting time by twisting the adjus-
ter button (2) on the rear of the clock.
Typically, a game starting time is selected thus that the 6 o'clock position is rea-
ched with the end of the required playing time.
The game usually begins with the player with black pieces pressing his button to
start the movement of the player with white pieces.
After pressing this button the functioning of the opponent's clock is indicated by
the rotating star. Operation of the button is carried out after each move in the
game. The game is over when one player has reached the end of the foreseen
playing time.
On this clock that time point is indicated by the falling of the red indicator.
Enjoy your chess games with your new GARDÉ chess clock.
Your SchachQueen Team