Gardner Bender ULTRA WingGard Instrucciones página 2

1. Strip 22-16 AWG wires 5/8" (15.9 mm).
1. Pela cables 22-16 AWG 15.9 mm. Pela cables 14-12
Strip 14-12 AWG wires 9/16" (14.3 mm).
AWG 14.3 mm. Pela cables 10-6 AWG 12.7 mm.
Strip 10-6 AWG wires 1/2" (12.7 mm).
2. No es necesario trenzar previamente. Sostenga
2. Pre-twisting unnecessary. Hold
juntos los cables pelados con las puntas parejas.
stripped wires together with ends even.
(Guíe ligeramente los cables trenzados).
(Lead stranded wires slightly).
3. Alinee todas las hebras o conductores deshilachados.
3. Align any frayed strands or conductors.
4. Conector atornillado; empuje los cables
4. Screw on connector; push wires firmly
into connector when starting.
firmemente en el conector al empezar.
To be sold only with
Para vender solamente con las instrucciones de
installation instructions.
• Listed for use with: copper to copper.
• Clasificado para usarse con: cobre a cobre.
Temperature rating: 221 °F. Listed as
Especificatión de temperatura: 105 °C.
PRESSURE TYPE wire connector on
Clasificado como un conector de cable TIPO
the following solid and/or stranded wire
A PRESION para uso co las siguientes
conexiones de cable macizo y/o trenzado:
600 V max. building wiring,
1 #12 w/1 to 5 #18
1000 V max. lighting fixtures/
1 #12 w/1 to 5 #16
luminaires & signs / Capacidad
1 #12 w/1 to 5 #14
nominal de 600 V Máx. para
1 #12 w/1 #16 w/1 to 3 #18
cableado en general, para
2 #12 w/1 #16 w/1 to 3 #18
equipos de iluminación y
1 #12 w/1 #14 w/1 to 3 #18
letreros eléctricos a 1000 V
1 #12 w/1 #14 w/1 to 3 #16
Máx. / Fil de bàtiment de 600
2 #12 w/1 #14 w/1 to 3 #16
V Max., appareillage électrique
2 #12 w/1 #14 w/1 to 3 #18
et enseignes de 1000 V Max.
1 #12 w/2 #14 w/1 or 2 #16
2 #12 w/2 #14 w/1 or 2 #16
1 #6 Str
2 #12 w/1 to 4 #18
1 #8 Str
2 #12 w/1 to 4 #16
1 to 3 #10
2 #12 w/1 to 4 #14
1 to 4 #12
3 #12 w/1 to 3 #18
1 to 6 #14
3 #12 w/1 to 3 #16
1 to 6 #16
3 #12 w/1 to 2 #14
2 to 6 #18
3 #12 w/1 #16 w/1 or 2 #18
2 to 6 #20
3 #12 w/1 #14 w/1 or 2 #18
4 to 6 #22
3 #12 w/1 #14 w/1 or 2 #16
1 #8 Str w/ 1 to 5 #16
4 #12 w/1 or 2 #16
1 #8 Str w/ 1 to 3 #14
4 #12 w/1 #14
1 #8 Str w/ 1 to 2 #12
1 #14 w/1 to 5 #22
1 #8 Str w/1 #10
1 #14 w/1 to 5 #20
1 #8 Str w/1 #10 w/ 1 #14
1 #14 w/1 to 5 #18
1 #10 w/1 to 5 #18
1 #14 w/1 to 5 # 16
1 #10 w/1 to 5 #16
1 #14 w/1 #16 w/1 to 3 #18
1 #10 w/1 to 5 #14
2 #14 w/1 #16 w/1 to 3 #18
1 #10 w/1 to 3 #12
2 #14 w/1 to 4 #22
1 #10 w/1 #16 w/1 to 4 #18
2 #14 w/1 to 4 #20
1 #10 w/1 #14 w/1 to 4 #16
2 #14 w/1 to 4 #18
1 #10 w/1 #14 w/1 to 4 #18
2 #14 w/1 to 4 #16
1 #10 w/2 #14 w/1 to 2 #16
3 #14 w/1 to 3 #22
1 #10 w/1 #12 w/1 to 3 #14
3 #14 w/1 to 3 #20
1 #10 w/1 #12 w/1 to 4 #16
3 #14 w/1 to 3 #18
1 #10 w/1 #12 w/1 to 4 #18
3 #14 w/1 to 3 #16
1 #10 w/2 #12 w/1 to 2 #16
3 #14 w/1 #16 w/1 or 2 #18
1 #10 w/2 #12 w/1 to 3 #18
4 #14 w/1 or 2 #22
1 #10 w/2 #12 w/1 to 2 #14
4 #14 w/1 or 2 #20
1 #10 w/3 #12 w/1 #14
4 #14 w/1 or 2 #18
2 #10 w/1 to 4 #18
4 #14 w/1 or 2 #16
2 #10 w/1 to 4 #16
4 #14 w/1 # 16 w/ 1 # 18
2 #10 w/1 to 2 #14
5 #14 w/ 1#18
2 #10 w/1 #12
5 #14 w/ 1#16
2 #10 w/1 #16 w/1 to 3 #18
1 #16 w/1 to 5 #22
2 #10 w/1 #12 w/1 #16
Shut off power before working on a circuit. Use approved materials and conform to all electrical codes. / Apague la alimentación antes de
trabajar en un circuito. Use los materiales aprobados y conforme a todos los códigos eléctricos. / Couper le courant avant de travailler.
Utiliser des matériaux approuvés et respecter tous les codes de l´électricité.
WARNING: This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects, or other reproductive harm.
Milwaukee, WI 53209
ZK799 0713
Packaged in the USA from Components of China/
Empacado en los E.U. de componentes de China/
Empaqueté aux E.U. des éléments de Chine
1. Dénuder 22-16 AWG 15.9 mm.
Dénuder 14-12 AWG 14.3 mm.
Dénuder 10-6 AWG 12.7 mm.
2. Pré-torsade non requise. Tenir les fils
ensemble, leur extrémité à égalité.
(Placer les fils toronnés devant.)
3. Aligner tout toron ou conducteur éraillé.
4. Visser le connecteur; à la mise en
marche, y enfoncer fermement les fils.
Ne doit être vendu qu´avec les
instructions de pose.
• Pour usage de: Cuivre a Cuivre. Cote
de température: 105 °C. Connecteur
A PRESSION pour les combinasions
sulvantes de fits pleins et/ou à brins:
1 #16 w/1 to 5 #20
300 V max. building wiring /
1 #16 w/1 to 5 #18
Capacidad nominal de 300 V Máx.
1 #16 w/1 #20 w/1 to 2 #22
para cableado en general / Fil de
1 #16 w/2 #20 w/1 to 2 #22
bàtiment de 300 V Max.
2 #16 w/1 #20 w/1 to 2 #22
2 #8 Str
2 #16 w/2 #20 w/1 to 2 #22
4 #10
1 #16 w/1 #18 w/1 to 3 #22
5 #12
1 #16 w/1 #18 w/1 to 3 #20
1 #6 Str w/ 1or 2 #12
2 #16 w/1 #18 w/1 to 3 #22
1 #6 Str w/ 1#10
2 #16 w/1 #18 w/1 to 3 #20
1 #6 Str w/ 2#14 w/ 1 or 2 #16
2 #16 w/1 to 4 #22
1 #6 Str w/ 1#12 w/ 1 or 2 #14
2 #16 w/1 to 4 #20
1 #6 Str w/ 2#12 w/ 1 #18
2 #16 w/1 to 4 #18
1 #6 Str w/ 1#10 w/ 1 #14
3 #16 w/1 to 3 #22
1 #8 Str w/ 4 #14
3 #16 w/1 to 3 #20
1 #8 Str w/ 3 #12
3 #16 w/1 to 3 #18
1 #8 Str w/ 2 #12 w/ 1 or 2 #14
3 #16 w/1 or 2 #22 w/ 1 #20
1 #8 Str w/ 2 #10
3 #16 w/1 #18 w/1 or 2 #22
1 #8 Str w/1 #10 w/ 2 #14
3 #16 w/1 #18 w/1 or 2 #20
1 #8 Str w/1 #10 w/ 1 or 2 #12
4 #16 w/1 to 2 #22
1 #8 Str w/2 #10 w/ 1 #14
4 #16 w/1 to 2 #20
1 #10 w/ 4 #12
4 #16 w/1 to 2 #18
1 #10 w/2 #14 w/ 3 #16
4 #16 w/1 #22 w/ 1 #20
1 #10 w/1 #12 w/ 4 #14
4 #16 w/1 #18 w/ 1 #22
1 #10 w/2 #12 w/ 3 #16
4 #16 w/1 #18 w/ 1 #20
2 #10 w/ 2 to 3 #14
5 #16 w/1 #22
2 #10 w/ 2 to 3 #12
5 #16 w/1 #20
2 #10 w/2 #14 w/1 to 2 #16
5 #16 w/1 #18
2 #10 w/1 #12 w/ 2 to 3 #16
1 #18 w/1 to 5 #22
2 #10 w/1 #12 w/1 or 2 #14
1 #18 w/1 to 5 #20
2 #10 w/2 #12 w/1 or 2 #18
1 #20 w/1#22 w/ 1 to 3 #18
2 #10 w/2 #12 w/1 or 2 #16
1 #20 w/2#22 w/ 1 to 3 #18
2 #10 w/2 #12 w/1 #14
2 #20 w/1#22 w/ 1 to 3 #18
3 #10 w/1 to 3 #18
2 #18 w/1 to 4 #22
3 #10 w/1 to 3 #16
2 #18 w/1 to 4 #20
3 #10 w/1 or 2 #14
3 #18 w/1 to 3 #22
3 #10 w/1 #12
3 #18 w/1 to 3 #20
3 #10 w/1 #16 w/1 or 2 #18
4 #18 w/1 or 2 #22
3 #10 w/1 #14 w/1 or 2 #18
4 #18 w/1 or 2 #20
3 #10 w/1 #14 w/1 #16
5 #18 w/1 #22
3 #10 w/1 #12 w/1 #18
5 #18 w/1 #20
3 #10 w/1 #12 w/1 #16
1 #20 w/2 to 5 #22
3#12 w/3 #14
2 #20 w/1 to 4 #22
4 #12 w/1 #16 w/ 1 #18
3 #20 w/1 to 3 #22
4 #12 w/1 #14 w/ 1 #18
4 #20 w/1 to 2 #22
4 #12 w/1 #14 w/ 1 #16
U | x a D C A H G y 1 3 0 8 6 m z V