b. External Antenna Information:
c. Alternate External Antenna Information:
Same type and similar characteristics as Laird external antenna
5. For FCC Part 15.31(h) and (k): The host manufacturer is responsible for additional
testing to verify compliance as a composite system. When testing the host device
for compliance with Part 15 Subpart B, the host manufacturer is required to show
compliance with Part 15 Subpart B while the transmitter module(s) are installed and
operating. The module should be transmitting and the evaluation should confirm
that the module's intentional emissions are compliant with the transmitter rules.
6. The modular transmitter is only FCC authorized for the specific rule parts 15.247,
15.407 listed on the grant, and that the host product manufacturer is responsible for
compliance to any other FCC rules that apply to the host not covered by the modular
transmitter grant of certification.
End Product Labelling
When the module is installed in the host device, the FCC/IC ID label must be visible
through a window on the final device or it must be visible when an access panel, door or
cover is easily removed. The label shall state to following:
The FCC ID and IC ID can be used only when all FCC/IC compliance requirements are
Alternatively, electronic labelling method as documented in KDB 784748 may also be
Maximum Antenna Gain
Laird Model: EMN2449A2S‐25UFL
Maximum Antenna Gain
Walsin Part Number: RFPCA381425OMLB301
"Contains FCC ID: UFE‐AXGY1"
"Contains IC: 6652A‐AXGY1"
iRobot Corporation | 8 Crosby Drive, Bedford MA 01730 | 781.430.3000
5.15 – 5.85GHz
5.15 – 5.85GHz