4. Set the Capsule Pak™ Refrigeration
System over the opening in the
curb. Remove the enclosure from
the condensing unit portion of the
system and drill two 9/16" holes
through the system base, mem-
brane roof material, curb, and the
foamed ceiling section. The holes
should be located on opposite sides
of the unit. Insert one 1/2" threaded
nylon rod into each hole.
silicone sealant around each nylon
rod and hole and place one washer
and nut on the condensing unit end
of each threaded nylon rod. Place
a second washer and nut on the
inside of the walk-in and tighten
securely. Replace the enclosure
and attach the outdoor hood with
the drive screws provided. Refer to
Figure 3. The nylon rods, washers,
and nuts are provided.
5. Fold all four corners of the membrane roofing material over
the walk-in corners as shown in Figure 4.
6. Attach the trim and door hood by using the provided hex
head sheet metal screws. All pieces should be held down
3-1/8" from the ceiling top as shown in Figure 5. Ensure the
trim and membrane roof material cover the joint between
the ceiling and wall panels. Note: The trim may have to be
cut to fit.
Roofing Material
Figure 5
Figure 3
Fold Membrane
Figure 4
7. Trim off all excess membrane roofing material
from under the terminatin bar with a utility
knife. Do not allow the knife to cut the metal
panel, as this will damage the coating and
cause rust.
NOTE: In outdoor installations, the condensate
should be plumbed to the nearest drain. Check
local building codes. Outside drain lines must also
be wrapped with a suitable heater wire if they are
ever subjected to below freezing temperatures.
© 2008 Nor-Lake 4/08 PN 121430
Capsule Pak™
With Hood