Bladez Toyz DRX Manual De Instrucciones página 2

1. Drive / Fly Mode
Mode Pilotage/Vol / Fahr-/Flugmodus
Modalità azionamento/volo / Modo Drive/
Fly / Drive-/Vliegmodus / Režim řízení/letu
2. Headless Mode
Fonction Headless / Funktion Headless /
Funzione Headless / Función Headless /
Headless-functie / Bezhlavý Režim
Control Stick A
Levier de commande A /
Steuerknüppel A / Barra di
comando A / Palanca de control A /
Besturingsstick A / Řídící páčka A
Left / Right Spin
Trim (T1 / T2)
Compensateur de
rotation gauche/
droite / Trimmen
linke / rechte
Drehung / Assetto a
vite sinistra/destra /
Ajuste de giro izqui-
erdo/derecho / Trim
naar links/rechts
draaien / Vyrovnání
otočením doleva/
This product is not suitable for anyone under the age of 8. Remove all packaging before giving this toy to a child. Adult supervision recommended.
Colour and specification may vary. Please retain this information for future reference. Warranty covers manufacturing faults only and not damage
caused by user error. For indoor and outdoor use. Only use battery charger provided. Do not over charge. Do not touch spinning rotors. Keep fingers,
hair and loose clothing clear from the rotor blades when the vehicle is turned on. Risk of eye injury! Do not fly near face to avoid injuries. Do not fly
in adverse weather conditions. Fly in an area appropriate for intended use, free of obstacles, animals and people, keeping a minimum distance of 10
metres away. Maximum Range 25 metres. Do not fly out of range. Do not fly close to ceilings or walls. Motors may become hot in flight - Do not touch.
Operation is strictly forbidden near high voltage poles, railway tracks and roads and swimming pools. Always operate with direct visual contact.
Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's
authority to operate the equipment.
Forward / Backward Trim (T3 / T4)
Compensateur avant/arrière Trimmen vorwärts / rückwärts
/ Assetto avanti/indietro / Ajuste hacia delante/hacia atrás /
Trim naar voren/achteren kantelen / Vyrovnání nakloněním
Speed Setting (A)
Réglage de la vitesse /
Impostazione della velocità /
Configuración de velocidad
/ Snelheidsregelaar / Nas-
tavení rychlosti
On / Off
Autopilot (B)
Pilote Automatique
/ Pilota Automatico /
Piloto Automático /
Automatische Piloot
1. Flip 360
Fonction 360º / Funktion 360º /
Funzione 360º / Función 360º /
360º - functie / Funkce 360º
2. Home Function
Fonction position d'origine /
Funktion Home / Funzione Ritorno
a casa / Función Home / Home-
functie / Funkce návratu
Control Stick B
Levier de
commande B /
B / Barra di
comando B
/ Palanca de
control B /
Besturingsstick B
/ Řídící páčka B
Left / Right Lean Trim (T5 / T6)
Compensateur oblique gauche/droite /
Trimmen linke/rechte Neigung / Assetto
inclinato sinistra/destra / Ajuste de
inclinación izquierdo/derecho / Trim
naar links/rechts kantelen / Vyrovnání
nakloněním doleva/doprava