- El ECM24 acepta sólo 'M' Key. Los SSDs M.2 B-Key de base SATA no son aceptados.
- Se incluyen dos almohadillas térmicas de color gris de grosor diferente. Para SSDs M.2 de un solo lado (parte trasera lisa sin componentes), por favor use la almohadilla de 1,75mm de grosor;
para los SSDs M.2 de doble cara (ambos lados con componentes), por favor use la almohadilla de 0,75mm de grosor.
- Si la almohadilla térmica azul de 1mm no es lo bastante gruesa como para establecer contacto con el SSD M.2 y el disipador, entonces debería usar la almohadilla térmica azul de 1,5mm. Su
objetivo es crear suficiente grosor como para establecer un buen contacto y que el calor del SSD M.2 se pueda transferir a través del disipador.
- ECM24 supporta solo 'M' key. Gli SSD M.2 base SATA B key non sono supportati.
- Sono inclusi due pad termici grigi di diverso spessore. Per SSD M.2 a lato singolo (nero piatto senza componente), utilizzare un pad da 1,75 mm di spessore; per SSD M.2 a lato doppio (entrambi
i lati con componenti), utilizzare un pad da 0,75 mm di spessore.
- Se il pad termico blu da 1 mm non è abbastanza spesso da entrare in contatto con l'SSD M.2 e il dissipatore di calore, è necessario utilizzare il pad termico blu da 1,5 mm. L'obiettivo è creare uno
spessore sufficiente per consentire contatti solidi in modo che il calore dall'SSD M.2 possa essere trasferito completamente al dissipatore di calore.
- ECM24 จะรองรั บ M.2 SSD ชนิ ด 'M' key เท่ า นั ้ น ไม่ ร องรั บ M.2 SSD ในแบบ SATA
- แผ่ น ซิ ล ิ โ คนนำความร้ อ นสี เ ทาทั ้ ง สองชิ ้ น จะมี ค วามหนาที ่ แ ตกต่ า งกั น สำหรั บ M.2 SSD แบบหน้ า เดี ย ว (ด้ า นหลั ง โล่ ง ไม่ ม ี อ ุ ป กรณ์ ต ิ ด ตั ้ ง ), กรุ ณ าใช้ ง านแผ่ น ที ่ ม ี ค วามหนา 1.75 มม. สำหรั บ M.2 SSD
แบบสองหน้ า (ทั ้ ง สองด้ า นมี อ ุ ป กรณ์ ต ิ ด ตั ้ ง ), กรุ ณ าใช้ ง านแผ่ น ที ่ ม ี ค วามหนา 0.75 มม.
- หากแผ่ น ซิ ล ิ โ คนนำความร้ อ นสี ฟ ้ า ขนาดความหนา 1 มม. มี ค วามหนาไม่ เ พี ย งพอที ่ ท ำให้ แ ตะถึ ง กั น ระหว่ า ง M.2 SSD และฮี ต ซิ ง ก์ , ดั ง นั ้ น คุ ณ ควรจะเลื อ กใช้ แ ผ่ น สี ฟ ้ า ที ่ ม ี ค วามหนา 1.5 มม. แทน
เพี ย งเท่ า นี ้ ค ุ ณ จะได้ ค วามหนามากพอที ่ ท ำให้ ม ี ก ารสั ม ผั ส ถึ ง กั น อย่ า งแน่ น หนา ซึ ่ ง ความร้ อ นจาก M.2 SSD จะสามารถส่ ง ผ่ า นไปยั ง ฮี ต ซิ ง ก์ ไ ด้
- ECM24 поддерживает только ключ M. Твердотельные накопители M.2 на базе интерфейса SATA с ключом B не поддерживаются.
- В комплект входят две термопрокладки серого цвета разной толщины. Для одностороннего твердотельного накопителя M.2 (с одной плоской поверхностью без компонента) используйте
прокладку толщиной 1,75 мм; для двухстороннего твердотельного накопителя M.2 (обе стороны с компонентами) используйте прокладку толщиной 0,75 мм.
- Если толщины синей термопрокладки 1 мм не достаточно для прочного контакта как с твердотельным накопителем M.2, так и радиатором, необходимо использовать синюю
термопрокладку толщиной 1,5 мм. Цель состоит в том, чтобы создать достаточную толщину для обеспечения надежного контакта поверхностей, который позволил бы эффективно
отводить тепло от твердотельного накопителя M.2 на радиатор.
- ECM24只支援M型規格, B型SATA底座以及M.2固態硬碟並不支援
- 本包裝內含兩個不同厚度及色階的灰色導熱散片針對單面的M.2固態硬碟,底部為平面並沒有纜線連接器,請使用1.75釐米厚的貼片;針對雙面的M.2固態硬碟,兩面皆有纜線連接器,請使用0.75釐
- 假如1釐米的藍色導熱散片並不足夠緊密連接M.2固態硬碟以及散熱片兩端,在此建議您使用1.5釐米的藍色導熱散片採用上述模式是為了讓您的機體接觸更為厚實連結,以便M.2固態硬碟的主機熱
- ECM24只支持M型规格, B型SATA底座以及M.2固态硬盘并不支持
- 本包装内含两个不同厚度及色阶的灰色导热散片针对单面的M.2固态硬盘,底部为平面并没有电缆连接器,请使用1.75厘米厚的贴片;针对双面的M.2固态硬盘,两面皆有电缆连接器,请使用0.75厘
- 假如1厘米的蓝色导热散片并不足够紧密连接M.2固态硬盘以及散热片两端,在此建议您使用1.5厘米的蓝色导热散片采用上述模式是为了让您的机体接触更为厚实连结,以便M.2固态硬盘的主机热
- ECM24は'M'キーにのみ対応します。B-キーSATAベースのM.2 SSDには未対応です。
- 2枚の厚さの異なるグレーの放熱パッドが付属しています。片側M.2 SSD (コンポーネントなしは平たい背面)には1.75mm厚のパッド、両側M.2 SSD (コンポーネントが両側)には0.75mm厚の
- 1mmのブルー放熱パッド1枚ではM.2 SSDとアダプタカードの隙間が埋まらない場合、1.5mmのブルー放熱パッドパッドを使用します。作業の目当ては、M.2 SSDの面に直接接触して熱がヒー
- ECM24는 'M' 키만 지원합니다. B-키 SATA 베이스 M.2 SSD는 지원되지 않습니다.
- 두께가 다른 회색 열전도 패드 2개가 포함되어 있습니다. 단면 M.2 SSD(구성품을 제외한 평평한 뒷면)의 경우 1.75mm 두께의 패드를 사용하십시오. 양면 M.2 SSD(구성품을 포함한 양면)의
경우 0.75mm 두께의 패드를 사용하십시오.
- 1mm 두께의 파란색 열전도 패드가 M.2 SSD와 방열판 모두에 접촉할 만큼 충분히 두껍지 않으면 1.5mm 두께의 파란색 열전도 패드를 사용해야 합니다. 이와 같이 충분한 두께로 확실히
접촉되도록 함으로써 M.2 SSD에서 방출된 열을 방열판으로 전달할 수 있습니다.
Warranty Information
This product has a limited 1 year warranty in North America and Australia.
For information on warranty periods in other regions, please contact your reseller or SilverStone authorized distributor.
本产品自购买之日起,于中国地区(不包含澳门,香港特别行政区)享有一年有限责任保固(部分产品为二年,三年或五年)。详细保固年限请参照官方网站 https://silverstonetek.com.cn/
Warranty terms & conditions
1. Product component defects or damages resulted from defective production is covered under warranty.
Defects or damages with the following conditions will be fixed or replaced under SilverStone Technology's jurisdiction.
a) Usage in accordance with instructions provided in this manual, with no misuse, overuse, or other inappropriate actions.
b) Damage not caused by natural disaster (thunder, fire, earthquake, flood, salt, wind, insect, animals, etc...)
c) Product is not disassembled, modified, or fixed. Components not disassembled or replaced.
d) Warranty mark/stickers are not removed or broken.
Loss or damages resulted from conditions other than ones listed above are not covered under warranty.
2. Under warranty, SilverStone Technology's maximum liability is limited to the current market value for the product (depreciated value, excluding
shipping, handling, and other fees). SilverStone Technology is not responsible for other damages or loss associated with the use of product.
3. Under warranty, SilverStone Technology is obligated to repair or replace its defective products. Under no circumstances will SilverStone
Technology be liable for damages in connection with the sale, purchase, or use including but not limited to loss of data, loss of business, loss
of profits, loss of use of the product or incidental or consequential damage whether or not foreseeable and whether or not based on breach of
warranty, contract or negligence, even if SilverStone Technology has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
4. Warranty covers only the original purchaser through authorized SilverStone distributors and resellers and is not transferable to a second hand purchaser.
5. You must provide sales receipt or invoice with clear indication of purchase date to determine warranty eligibility.
6. If a problem develops during the warranty period, please contact your retailer/reseller/SilverStone authorized distributors or SilverStone
Please note that: (i) You must provide proof of original purchase of the product by a dated itemized receipt; (ii) You shall bear the cost of shipping (or
otherwise transporting) the product to SilverStone authorized distributors. SilverStone authorized distributors will bear the cost of shipping (or
otherwise transporting) the product back to you after completing the warranty service; (iii) Before you send the product, you must be issued a Return
Merchandise Authorization ("RMA") number from SilverStone. Updated warranty information will be posted on SilverStone's official website. Please visit
http://www.silverstonetek.com for the latest updates.
Additional info & contacts
SilverStone Technology in North America may repair or replace defective product with refurbished product that is not new but has been functionally tested.
Replacement product will be warranted for remainder of the warranty period or thirty days, whichever is longer.
All products should be sent back to the place of purchase if it is within 30 days of purchase, after 30 days, customers need to initiate RMA procedure with SilverStone Technology in USA
by first downloading the "USA RMA form for end-users" form from the below link and follow its instructions. http://silverstonetek.com/contactus.php
Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law.
You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage.
You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.
Please refer to above "Warranty terms & conditions" for further warranty details.
SilverStone Technology Co., Ltd. 12F No. 168 Jiankang Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235 Taiwan R.O.C. + 886-2-8228-1238 (standard international call charges apply)
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
本表格依据SJ/T 11364的规定编制
○:表示该有毒有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在GB/T 26572 规定的限量要求以下。
×:表示该有毒有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出GB/T 26572 规定的限量要求。
M.2 NVMe SSD to PCIe 3.0 x4
adapter with heatsink
Converts one M.2 port (M key) into one PCIe x4 interface
Includes aluminum heatsink and thermal pad for enhanced M.2 SSD cooling
Exposed copper inlays efficiently cool installed M.2 SSD for consistently high performance
Supports 2230,2242,2260 and 2280 length M.2 SSD
Includes optional Low-profile expansion slot
No driver installation required
Model No.
LED indicator
Power ON : Blue
Toggle switch
PCI Express x4
SSD Interface
M.2 (NGFF)
Module Key
PCIe x4 NVMe-based M key
Support Length of M.2 SSD
30mm, 42mm, 60mm, 80mm
Operating system support
Microsoft Windows 7 (32bit/64bit),
8/8.1/10 (32bit/64bit) or future
release version
Mac OS 10.2.8 or above
Net weight & Dimension
Heatsink with PCB:
121mm (W) x 20mm (H) x 130mm (D), 110g
Note : If you wish to boot off using M.2 SSD, your motherboard needs to support it. Due to BIOS limitations, not all motherboards support booting off
M.2 SSD so please consult your motherboard manual or vendor for more details on how to enable this function.
Note : M.2 PCIe-NVMe mode SSD requires the use of Intel® 9 series (Z97 H97 Z170 X99) or higher version chipset motherboard with Windows 8 or
higher version operating system.
Package Content
ECM24 PCB x 1
Bracket screw x 2
Heatsink x 1
M.2 SSD screw x 3
Screwdriver x 1
Heatsink screw x 5
Entfernen Sie die Plastikfolie vom ECM24
Retirez l'emballage en plastique de l'ECM24
Remove plastic warp from ECM24
Retire el protector de plástico del ECM24
Rimuovere la pellicola trasparente da ECM24
แกะพลาสติ ด หุ ้ ม ออกจาก ECM24
h performance
Thermal Pad
Thermal conductivity
Operating temperature
-20 °C ~ 180 °C
0.75mm, 1mm, 1.5mm, 1.75mm
Thermal pad thickness
Net weight & Dimension
Blue Pad 1:
70 mm (W) x 1 mm (H) x 20mm (D), 3.2g
Blue Pad 2:
70 mm (W) x 1.5 mm (H) x 20mm (D), 4.61g
Gray Pad 1:
70 mm (W) x 0.75 mm (H) x 20mm (D), 2.53g
Gray Pad 2:
70 mm (W) x 1.75 mm (H) x 20mm (D), 5.52g
Screw nut x 2
Standard profile Bracket x 1
Blue thermal pad x 2
Low profile Bracket x 1
Gray thermal pad x 2
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