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Air Penetrator Series

Resumen de contenidos para SilverStone Air Penetrator Serie

  • Página 1 Air Penetrator Series SST-AP182...
  • Página 2 Specification Connection requirements Fan speed explanation Fan controller replacement...
  • Página 3 Air Penetrator Series SST-AP182 The power of house fan for your PC Color White Bearing Dual ball bearing SST-AP182 Rated Voltage 12V DC 11V (w/ fan control at lowest rpm) Start Voltage 9V (w/ fan control at highest rpm) Rated Current 0.05A (500rpm) ~1.3A (2000rpm) Rated Power 0.6W (500rpm)~15.6W (2000rpm)
  • Página 4 Connection Requirements The AP182 is a relatively high current fan. Вентилятор АР182 потребляет относительно высокий ток. На максимальной скорости вращения At its maximum speed, the AP182’s current will peak at 1.8A with continuous current at 1.3A. вентилятора AP182 пиковый потребляемый ток составит...
  • Página 5 Connection Requirements Connectors Разъемы AP182 comes with a 4pin peripheral connector already Вентилятор AP182 поставляется с уже attached. If you wish to use other adapters or connectors, подсоединенным 4-контактным разъемом. Если вы we recommend the wires thickness on them to be at least хотите...
  • Página 6 Connection Requirements A. 7В разъем напряжения: не рассчитан на высокий ток между шинами +12 В и +5 В и поэтому пригоден только для вентиляторов с низким потребляемым током. Не используйте такие разъемы с вентилятором АР182. A.7V轉接線,由於不允許過大電流由+12V流進+5V,僅適用低耗電風扇, 勿連接AP182使用。 A.7V转接线,由于不允许过大电流由+12V流进+5V,仅适用低耗电风扇, 7V voltage connector 勿连接AP182使用。...
  • Página 7 Connection Requirements Fan Speed Controller Контроллер скорости вращения вентилятора Поскольку вентилятор АР182 потребляет высокий ток, Since AP182 is a high current consuming fan, most fan controllers such as FP33, FP52 and CMD01 will not большинство контроллеров вентиляторов, например support it. We recommend to use the include fan controller FP33, FP52 и...
  • Página 8 Fan speed explanation Fan speed explanation: Сведения о скорости вращения вентилятора Фактическая скорость вращения вентилятора может The actual fan speed may differ slightly from rated speed due to variance. The maximum rated speed can only be слегка отличаться от номинальной в связи с achieved at 12V with the fan controller adjusted to highest отклонением...
  • Página 9 Fan controller replacement When replacing AP181 with AP182, the fan speed controller can be separated from the bracket and can replace AP181’s fan speed switch. Step 1 AP182 bracket Step 2 Remove the turn knob and the screws Step 3 AP182 fan speed controller...
  • Página 10 Fan controller replacement When replacing AP181 with AP182, the fan speed controller can be separated from the bracket and can replace AP181’s fan speed switch. Step 4 RV02 chassis with AP181 fan speed switch Install AP182 fan speed controller Remove AP181 fan speed switch Step 5 Step 6...
  • Página 11: Warranty Information

    Replacement product will be warranted for remainder of the warranty period or thirty days, whichever is longer. All products should be sent back to the place of purchase if it is within 30 days of purchase, after 30 days, customers need to initiate RMA procedure with SilverStone Technology in USA by first downloading the “USA RMA form for end-users”...
  • Página 12 G11215440...

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Air penetrator sst-ap182Sst-ap182Sst-ap182 serie