Carex P569-00 Instrucciones De Ensamblaje página 3

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

This bed rail is noT To be used as a resTrainT. using bed rail as resTrainT can
place a paTienT's safeTy aT risk.
condiTions such as agiTaTion, dilirium, confusion, pain, hypoxia, or needing To
go To The baThroom can cause a bed rail user To aTTempT To climb over, around,
beTween, or Through The rails, or over The fooTboard, possibly causing deaTh
or injury. bed rail user should be moniTored To make sure such acTions do noT
occur and To give help if necessary.
The u.s. consumer producT safeTy commission a warns againsT placing babies
To sleep in adulT beds. do noT place babies in bed fiTTed wiTh bed rails. do noT
allow children To play on or around bed rails. These bed rails are noT To be
used To prevenT children from falling ouT of bed.
if gap beTween bed rail and maTTress is more Than 2" re-adjusT so The bed rail is
flush againsT The maTTress.
bed rail users should never aTTempT To climb over, around, beTween or Through
The rails or over The fooTboard. assure ThaT a caregiver is available To assisT
The bed rail user in lowering The bar when They need To geT ouT of bed.
If this item is being purchased for someone, be sure to explain the benefits and the dangers of bed rails
cauTion! To avoid injury assure that your extremeties and those
of others are away from the bed rail bars when raising or lowering.
To lower (wiTh fooT):
1. Hold top of bed rail as shown – do not
put limbs through the rails
2. Minding your knee, press down on the
strap with your foot and gently lower rail
To lower (wiTh hand):
1. Hold top of bed rail as shown – do not
put limbs through the rails
2. While holding top of bedrail, pull strap
towards you and gently lower rail
To raise:
1. Hold top of bedrail as shown
2. Slowly lift until both pins snap into holes
3. Test to assure the bedrail is secure
use insTrucTions
(with foot)
To Raise
(with hand)