V-Gear LANDISK User Manual
DEC 2005
Asiamajor Inc. Copy right 2005
V-Gear has FREE 24 x 7, Self-service troubleshooting assistance. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you have 4 ways to
find answers to your questions.
1.FAQ http://vgear.com/cs/support/faq/
View technical questions and their solutions on a wild range of subjects,
This is the best way to get your questions answered. Here you can easily
find answers to the most common questions, as well as down load the
latest updates. They are sorted with the most commonly read questions
listed, It is also easy to sort the documents by using the "Product Name"
pull down menu; "Product Keyword" key in search, or "Problem Keyword"
key in search, to get the answers to question.
If you are unable to find answers to your question using our Website, V-Gear also offers troubleshooting and technical
support by email, Email is usually responded to within 48 hours (Excluding weekends and holidays). Before email serv-
ice, make sure the answers could not be found in FAQ database.
3.Telephone service
If you need to call for answers to your question, please contact with the local distributor or dealer, which will offer trou-
bleshooting assistance.
4.Updates / Latest driver download
Find the latest driver or updates for your V-Gear product from Website. By using pull down menu, select your V-Gear
product name.
* Read instruction before installing any updates, drivers.
* If the related functions are not included in the product you purchased, please disregard descriptions on those subjects.
Asiamajor Inc.
6F-9, No.268, Lian-Cheng Rd., Junghe
City, Taipei Taiwan 235
Phone: +886 2 8227 3568
Fax: +886 2 8227 3569