Dynex DX-E401 FAQ Guia De Inicio Rapido página 3

Faq sobre el enrutador para cable/dsl
Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Q: How do I set up my router to connect my video game console (such as an XBOX or Playstation) to the Internet?
A: To connect your video game console to the Internet, you rst need to know the IP address of your console. You
should make the IP address to be static, such as, rather than dynamic. For best results, don't use DHCP.
See your console' s documentation for more information. Once you know your console' s IP address, you can open
speci c ports for the console. Di erent consoles may require multiple ports for correct operation, so see your
console' s documentation for more information.
Another option is to make the console' s address a Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). To do this, connect to your router' s
con guration pages. Open your Web browser and type in the address bar. Log into the router
when prompted. (The default username is admin. Leave the password blank.)
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Cable/DSL Router FAQ
FAQ sur le routeur câble/DSL
FAQ sobre el enrutador para cable/DSL
To create a DMZ, click
Advanced, then click DMZ.
Type the last digit of your
console' s IP address (5 in
the example above), click
Enabled, then click Apply.
Note that using your
game console in a DMZ
leaves it fully exposed to
the Internet, so use this
option carefully.
Q: Some of my computers can
connect to the Internet, but
others cannot. Why?
A: If your router is using
DHCP to set network
addresses (this is the
default setting), make
sure that all of your
computers are set to use
DHCP. See the section
"Con guring your
network adapter" in your
router' s Install Guide for
more information.