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Circa questo manuale
Costruttore: Inim ElectronicsS.r.l.
Codice del manuale: DCMIIN4AEC0020
Sito di produzione: Centobuchi, via DeiLavoratori10
Revisione: 150
63076 Monteprandone (AP), Italy
Tel: +39 0735 705007
Copyright: le informazionicontenute in questo docu-
mento sono proprietà esclusiva della Inim Electronics
Fax: +39 0735 734912
S.r.l.. Nessuna riproduzione o modifica è permessa
senza previa autorizzazione della Inim ElectronicsS.r.l..
Web: www.inim.biz
Tuttiidirittisono riservati.
Ilpersonale autorizzato dalcostruttore a riparare o sosti-
tuire qualunque parte delsistema, è autorizzato ad
intervenire solo su dispositivicommercializzaticon ilmar-
chio Inim Electronics.
Ai sensi dell'art. 26 del Decreto Legislativo 14 marzo 2014, n. 49 "Attuazione della direttiva
2012/19/UE sui rifiuti di apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche (RAEE)"
Ilsimbolo delcassonetto barrato riportato sull'apparecchiatura o sulla sua confezione indica che ilprodotto alla
fine della propria vita utile deve essere raccolto separatamente daglialtririfiuti. L'utente dovrà, pertanto, con-
ferire l'apparecchiatura giunta a fine vita agliidoneicentricomunalidiraccolta differenziata deirifiutielet-
trotecnicied elettronici. In alternativa alla gestione autonoma è possibile consegnare l'apparecchiatura che sidesidera
smaltire alrivenditore, almomento dell'acquisto diuna nuova apparecchiatura ditipo equivalente. Presso irivenditoridi
prodottielettronicicon superficie divendita dialmeno 400 m
è inoltre possibile consegnare gratuitamente, senza
obbligo diacquisto, iprodottielettronicida smaltire con dimensioniinferioria 25 cm. L'adeguata raccolta differenziata per
l'avvio successivo dell'apparecchiatura dismessa alriciclaggio, altrattamento e allo smaltimento ambientalmente com-
patibile contribuisce ad evitare possibilieffettinegativisull'ambiente e sulla salute e favorisce ilreimpiego e/o riciclo dei
materialidicuiè composta l'apparecchiatura.
General description
Il pulsante antincendio ad attivazione manuale EC0020 è appositamente studiato e realizzato per comu-
nicare ed essere gestito dalle centrali anticendio analogico-indirizzate Inim Electronics.
EC0020 manual call points are specially designed to operate with Inim Electronics analogue addres-
sable fire-control panels
EC0020 manual call points are certified and approved according to EN54-11 - Manual call-
points and EN54-17 - Short-circuit isolators.
In the event of short-circuit between the two connection wires and the control panel (loop), the built-in iso-
lator shuts off the negative current and isolates the section involved. For further details regarding the iso-
lator, refer to the "ILP Specification" datasheet.
Details regarding the manual callpoint, its unique serial number and information regarding the terminal
connections can be found on the label inside the device housing.
The device package contains two fork-end keys which can be used to open the housing and reset the
The flush-mount backbox and protective front plate are accessory items and must be purchased sepa-
Operating mode
The manual callpoint uses a simple mechanism which consists of a rigid plastic operating element and
an over-center spring mechanism. Pressing on the black spot simulates "Break Glass" activation and
triggers an alarm.
Activation is signalled by a yellow and black striped flag which drops into view on the upper part of the
frontplate and a solid red visual signal on the LED indicator.
The manual call point is reset by inserting the key provided into the key slot.
The key must push the trigger mechanism upwards as far as possible, after which the key must be tur-
ned clockwise until the mechanism locks back into position.
The reset procedure must be carried out in accordance with the above instructions, otherwise,
you may damage the manual call point and/or its key.
On reset, the flag will withdraw but the LED will stay on until it is reset from the control panel.
Manuale d'istruzioni/ Instruction manual/ Manualde instrucciones/ Notice d'instructions
Description of the parts
A Callpoint button - rear
B Details label
C Removable serial number stickers
D Terminals
E Backbox with fixing screw holes and cable entry
F Fixed back-locking clips
G Fixed back-locking clip positions
H Back-locking backbox clips
I Back-locking clip positions
J Reset key slot
K Protection front plate clips
The EC0020 manual call point can be used exclusively with control panels using Inim Elec-
tronics OpenLoop protocol.
The manual call point is not suitable for outdoor installation unless adequately housed inside a
heavy duty weather proof box.
Connect the manual call point the control panel by means of STP cable (2 pole). This cable will provide
the power to the various devices and to the two-way digital communication channel.
It is not necessary to respect the input/output configuration of the terminals as the Loop IN and OUT ter-
minals are interchangeable.
The backbox has standard wall-mount anchor screw holes.
Insert the forked-end of the reset key into the two slots and push against the back-locking clips to open
the manual call point.
Remove the two serial-number stickers located under the device details label and put one on
the manual call point housing and the other on the system layout.
After installing all the loop devices, work carefully through the configuration and addressing procedures
(refer to the control panel manual for the respective instructions).
Using the EDRV2000 driver
The EDRV2000 driver allows you to change the operating parameters of the detectors, check the con-
tamination level of the smoke chambers and also obtain accurate diagnostic data. It can operate through
the USB port of a computer furnished with the relative software programme, or can function auto-
nomously by way of the battery housed inside.
Each detector is capable of retaining memory (smoke and/or temperature depending on the model) of
the 5 minutes prior to an alarm. Therefore, if an alarm occurs, it will be possible to obtain information
regarding the onset of the fire by simply connecting the EDRV2000 driver to the detection line.
For further information and details regarding use of the EDRV2000 driver, refer to the respective hand-
Test and maintenance
Test the manual call point immediately after installation and then regularly during the periodic tests
which must be carried out in accordance with the local laws in force.
Technical specifications
Operating voltage
Current draw in standby
Current draw in alarm
Environmental conditions
Relative humidity
Inim ElectronicsS.r.l. © 2020
CE mark
LED signalling
Manual callpoint activated
Short-circuit on loop
Flashing: Manual callpoint
INIM Electronics s.r.l.
ready and operating pro-
Via Dei Lavoratori 10 - Fraz. Centobuchi
63076 Monteprandone (AP) - Italy
On solid: Manual callpoint
activated by the control
EN 54-11:2001 + A1:2005
EN 54-17:2005
Addressable Type A indoor re-settable manual call
point with short circuit isolator for fire detection and
fire alarm systems installed in buildings
Essential Characteristics
Rated activation conditions / Sen-
sitivity and performance under fire con-
Operational reliability
Temperature resi-
Vibration resistance
Durability of
Humidity resistance
Corrosion resistance
Electrical stability
Manufacturer's details
Manufacturer: Inim ElectronicsS.r.l.
Production plant: Centobuchi, via DeiLavoratori10
63076 Monteprandone (AP), Italy
Tel: +39 0735 705007
Fax: +39 0735 734912
Web: www.inim.biz
The personsauthorized bythe manufacturer to repair
or replace the partsof thissystem, hold authorization to
workon Inim Electronicsbrand devicesonly.
lnformative notice regarding the disposal of electrical and electronic equipment (applicable in
countries with differentiated waste collection systems)
The crossed-out bin symbolon the equipment or on itspackaging indicatesthat the product must be disposed
of correctlyat the end of itsworking life and should never be disposed of together with generalhousehold
waste. The user, therefore, must take the equipment that hasreached the end of itsworking life to the appro-
priate civicamenitiessite designated to the differentiated collection of electricaland electronicwaste. Asan alternative to
the autonomous-management of electricaland electronicwaste, you can hand over the equipment you wish to dispose
of to a dealer when purchasing new equipment of the same type. You are also entitled to conveyfor disposalsmallelec-
tronic-waste productswith dimensionsof lessthan 25cm to the premisesof electronicretailoutletswith salesareasof at
least 400m2, free of charge and without anyobligation to buy. Appropriate differentiated waste collection for the sub-
sequent recycling of the discarded equipment, itstreatment and itsenvironmentallycompatible disposalhelpsto avoid
possible negative effectson the environment and on health and favoursthe re-use and/or recycling of the materialsit is
made of.
Descripción general
from 19 to 30 V
El pulsador anti incendio de activación manual EC0020 ha sido específicamente estudiado y realizado
80 µA @ 24V
para comunicar y ser gestionado por las centrales anti incendio analógico-direccionadas Inim Elec-
5 mA @27,6V
En la parte frontal del pulsador se encuentran presentes la parte activa para realizar la activación y un
LED que indica el estado del dispositivo.
84 x 84 x 45 mm
126 g
Los pulsadores EC0020 están certificados según las normas EN54-11 - Puntos de alarma
manual y EN54-17 - Aislantes de cortocircuito.
from -10 to +55 °C
≤ 95 % without condensation
El pulsador está dotado por un aislante de cortocircuito que el en caso que se genere uno entre los dos
conectores de conexión con la central (lazo), es capaz de interrumpir el polo negativo aislando la sec-
ción del cable en donde se ha producido el fallo. Para las características técnicas del aislante, consultar
el documento "ILP Specification".
En la parte trasera del pulsador, en el interior de la caja, se encuentran situados una etiqueta con los
datos de matrícula, que contiene un número de serie único que identifica el dispositivo, y los terminales
de conexión.
Documents for the users
Declarationsof Performance, Declarationsof Con-
formityand Certificatesconcerning to Inim Electronics
S.r.l. productsmaybe downloaded free of charge from
the web addresswww.inim.biz, getting accessto Exten-
ded Accessand then selecting "Certifications"or reque-
ordinarymailto the addressshown in thismanual.
Manualsmaybe downloaded free of charge from the
web addresswww.inim.biz, getting accessto Extended
Accessand then selecting "Manuals".
About this manual
Manual code: DCMIIN4AEC0020
Revision: 150
Copyright: the information contained in thisdocument
isthe sole propertyof Inim ElectronicsS.r.l. No part may
be copied without written authorization from Inim Elec-
tronicsS.r.l.. Allrightsreserved.