dormakaba BEST Wi-Q Instrucciones De Instalación
dormakaba BEST Wi-Q Instrucciones De Instalación

dormakaba BEST Wi-Q Instrucciones De Instalación

Enlaces rápidos

Tools Needed
Herramientas necesarias
Outils nécessaires
Mounting Bracket Assembly
Conjunto del soporte de montaje
Assemblage de support de montage
Ceiling Grid Bracket Assembly
Conjunto del soporte de la rejilla del techo
Assemblage de support de l'élément plafonnier
#6-32 x 3/4" Machine Screw
Tornillo para máquina N.º 6-32 x 19 mm (3/4 pulg.)
Vis mécanique no 6 à 32 filets x 19 mm (3/4 po)
#6-19 x 1/4" Retaining Screw
Tornillo de retención N.º 6-19 x 6.4 mm (1/4 pulg.)
Vis de fixation no 6 à 19 filets x 6 mm (1/4 po)
AC/DC Power Converter
Conversor de alimentación CA/CC
Convertisseur de secteur CA/CC
Ethernet Cable
Cable de Ethernet
Câble Ethernet
Omni-Directional Antenna Kit
Kit de antena omnidireccional
Kit d'antenne omnidirectionnelle
Integrated Portal Gateway Enclosure
Gabinete de compuerta de portal integrado
Enceinte de passerelle avec portail intégré
Develop a Site Plan
Create a site plan to define the area you want to control and
the appropriate location of the Gateway. The Gateway should
be installed in a centralized location and near a network
Transmit range from the Gateway to the controller varies
based on the building construction. Site characteristics such as
reinforced concrete walls could interfere or weaken the signal;
open spaces and low interference can increase signal strength.
Refer to the
Wi-Q User Guide
for more information.
BEST is a trademark of dormakaba USA Inc.
Drill Bit
#2 Phillips
Broca de taladro
Phillips N.º 2
Phillips n° 2
Position Gateways
Once all the door hardware and controllers have been installed,
you are ready to determine the final placement of the Gateways
using the results from the Wi-Q Site Survey. The Site Survey
helps you determine the number and optimum location of the
Gateways and verify the signal strength before permanently
installing the Gateway hardware. It is important to perform the
Site Survey process as many times as needed to determine the
optimal positions of the Gateways that allow a strong signal
connection to be achieved for all of the locks.
Refer to the
Wi-Q User Guide
You will need to test the signal strength at all the door locations
near the perimeter of the coverage area as well as any location
where a physical obstruction may cause interference.
Wi-Q Gateway Installation Instructions
Instrucciones de instalación de la compuerta Wi-Q
Instructions pour l'installation de la passerelle Wi-Q
Powered with 110VAC or with PoE,
PoE class 1 device
Alimentado con 110 V CA o con PoE,
dispositivo de clase 1 PoE
Alimenté par 110 VCA ou un dispositif
d'alimentation par Ethernet de classe 1
Drop ceiling
installation only
solo para instalación
Two #6 x 1/4"set
en techo colgante
screws included
installation sur faux
incluye dos tornillos de fijación
plafond uniquement
N.º 6 x 6.4 mm (1/4 pulg.)
deux vis de calage no 6 x 6 mm
(1/4 po) sont incluses
for more information.
BEST Access Solutions
Knowledge Base
Electrical box/IPG
Optional to use
installations only
uso opcional
solo para instalaciones
utilisation facultative
en cajas eléctricas/IPG
installations avec boitier
électrique/IPG uniquement
uso opcional,
no es necesario si es
alimentado por POE
Optional to use,
utilisation facultative,
non nécessaire si
not needed if
alimenté par Ethernet
powered by PoE
no incluido,
para la instalación
non inclus,
Not included,
pour installer
for install
opcional y
se vende por separado
facultatif et
vendu séparément
Optional and
sold separately
Optional and
sold separately
opcional y
se vende por separado
facultatif et
vendu séparément
Mount Gateways
Once the optimal location of the Gateway has been determined,
the Gateway may be permanently mounted.
The Gateway can be installed on a variety of surfaces, including:
1. Drop ceiling
2. Wall or rigid ceiling (such as drywall,
concrete, paneling, or similar material)
3. Shelf
4. Electrical box
5. Integrated Portal Gateway (IPG) enclosure
2019 All rights reserved.

Resumen de contenidos para dormakaba BEST Wi-Q

  • Página 1 You will need to test the signal strength at all the door locations near the perimeter of the coverage area as well as any location where a physical obstruction may cause interference. BEST is a trademark of dormakaba USA Inc. A89995_A 2019 All rights reserved.
  • Página 2 Install the #6-19 x 1/4" Slide the gateway (A) onto the Snap mounting bracket assembly retaining screw (F). mounting bracket assembly feet (C). feet (C) into place. BEST is a trademark of dormakaba USA Inc. A89995_A 2019 All rights reserved. ©...
  • Página 3 Install the antennas (B (2x) ) onto the gateway (A) retaining screw (F). using 4-6 in-lb torque. The antennas (B (2x) must be oriented vertically when installed. COMPLETE BEST is a trademark of dormakaba USA Inc. A89995_A 2019 All rights reserved. ©...
  • Página 4 (F). using 4-6 in-lb torque. The antennas (B ) must be oriented vertically when installed. Push any excess cable back into the wall. COMPLETE BEST is a trademark of dormakaba USA Inc. A89995_A 2019 All rights reserved. ©...
  • Página 5 Slide the gateway (A) onto the mounting bracket assembly feet (C) mounting bracket assembly feet (C) until it snaps into place. until it snaps into place. COMPLETE COMPLETE BEST is a trademark of dormakaba USA Inc. A89995_A 2019 All rights reserved. ©...
  • Página 6 Cable de Ethernet (H) no incluido, requerido para la instalación; cable de alimentación CC (G) de uso PASO 2 opcional, no es necesario si se alimenta con PoE CONECTE LOS CABLES BEST is a trademark of dormakaba USA Inc. A89995_A 2019 All rights reserved. ©...
  • Página 7 4. Serrez les deux vis de calage no 6 x 6 mm (1/4 po) (incluent dans l’assemblage C) à l’aide d’un tournevis Phillips no 2. 2. Les antennes (B[2x]) doivent être orientées verticalement au moment de l’installation. ÉTAPE 3 TERMINER BEST is a trademark of dormakaba USA Inc. A89995_A 2019 All rights reserved. ©...
  • Página 8 A n d'augmenter la sécurité et de rduire le risque, vous usted debe consultar con un cerrajero especializado u otro profesional de seguridad. devriez consulter un serrurier quali é ou un autre professionel de la sécurité. BEST is a trademark of dormakaba USA Inc. A89995_A 2019 All rights reserved.