FV ROUND Instrucciones De Instalación página 2

Accesorios de porcelana
Porcelain bathroom accessories
Installation Instructions
FV ma nu fac tu res its por ce lain
bath room ac ces so ries using
most me ti cu lous tech no logy and
the fi nest ma te rials.
Porcelain bathroom accessories
Installation Instructions
FV ma nu fac tu res its por ce lain
bath room ac ces so ries using
most me ti cu lous tech no logy and
the fi nest ma te rials.
Porcelain bathroom accessories
Installation Instructions
FV ma nu fac tu res its por ce lain
bath room ac ces so ries using
most me ti cu lous tech no logy and
the fi nest ma te rials.
Porcelain bathroom accessories
Installation Instructions
FV ma nu fac tu res its por ce lain
bath room ac ces so ries using
most me ti cu lous tech no logy and
the fi nest ma te rials.
Our in no va ti ve sys tem for easy
ins ta lla tion first uses ad he si ve ta pe to
hold the ac ces sory un til the si li co ne
ad he si ve is com ple tely dry.
Our in no va ti ve sys tem for easy
ins ta lla tion first uses ad he si ve ta pe to
hold the ac ces sory un til the si li co ne
ad he si ve is com ple tely dry.
Our in no va ti ve sys tem for easy
ins ta lla tion first uses ad he si ve ta pe to
hold the ac ces sory un til the si li co ne
ad he si ve is com ple tely dry.
Our in no va ti ve sys tem for easy
ins ta lla tion first uses ad he si ve ta pe to
hold the ac ces sory un til the si li co ne
ad he si ve is com ple tely dry.
Adhesive strips
• Press for 1 minute
• Do not use for 24 hours
Adhesive strips
• Press for 1 minute
• Do not use for 24 hours
Adhesive strips
• Press for 1 minute
• Do not use for 24 hours
Adhesive strips
• Press for 1 minute
• Do not use for 24 hours
Ins ta lla tion ins truc tions:
Be fo re ins ta lla tion clean wall using wa ter and
soap. If grea se is pre sent, use a sol vent to
re mo ve it.
Tho roughly dry wall ti le or ce ra mic co ve ring
whe re the ac ces sory will be ins ta lled.
1. Li be rally apply si li co ne to the back of the
ac ces sory ba se.
2. Re mo ve pro tec ti ve pa per from the
ad he si ve strips and pla ce ac ces sory
in de si red po si tion.
3. Press uni formly for about a mi nu te. The
ad he si ve strips will hold the ac ces sory in
pla ce un til the si li co ne dries com ple tely.
1. Wait for 24 hours be fo re using the
ac ces sory. Si li co ne will at tain its full
strength in se ven days.
Ins ta lla tion ins truc tions:
Be fo re ins ta lla tion clean wall using wa ter and
soap. If grea se is pre sent, use a sol vent to
re mo ve it.
Tho roughly dry wall ti le or ce ra mic co ve ring
whe re the ac ces sory will be ins ta lled.
1. Li be rally apply si li co ne to the back of the
ac ces sory ba se.
2. Re mo ve pro tec ti ve pa per from the
ad he si ve strips and pla ce ac ces sory
in de si red po si tion.
3. Press uni formly for about a mi nu te. The
ad he si ve strips will hold the ac ces sory in
pla ce un til the si li co ne dries com ple tely.
1. Wait for 24 hours be fo re using the
ac ces sory. Si li co ne will at tain its full
strength in se ven days.
Ins ta lla tion ins truc tions:
Be fo re ins ta lla tion clean wall using wa ter and
soap. If grea se is pre sent, use a sol vent to
re mo ve it.
Tho roughly dry wall ti le or ce ra mic co ve ring
whe re the ac ces sory will be ins ta lled.
1. Li be rally apply si li co ne to the back of the
ac ces sory ba se.
2. Re mo ve pro tec ti ve pa per from the
ad he si ve strips and pla ce ac ces sory
in de si red po si tion.
3. Press uni formly for about a mi nu te. The
ad he si ve strips will hold the ac ces sory in
pla ce un til the si li co ne dries com ple tely.
1. Wait for 24 hours be fo re using the
ac ces sory. Si li co ne will at tain its full
strength in se ven days.
Ins ta lla tion ins truc tions:
Be fo re ins ta lla tion clean wall using wa ter and
soap. If grea se is pre sent, use a sol vent to
re mo ve it.
Tho roughly dry wall ti le or ce ra mic co ve ring
whe re the ac ces sory will be ins ta lled.
1. Li be rally apply si li co ne to the back of the
ac ces sory ba se.
2. Re mo ve pro tec ti ve pa per from the
ad he si ve strips and pla ce ac ces sory
in de si red po si tion.
3. Press uni formly for about a mi nu te. The
ad he si ve strips will hold the ac ces sory in
pla ce un til the si li co ne dries com ple tely.
1. Wait for 24 hours be fo re using the
ac ces sory. Si li co ne will at tain its full
strength in se ven days.

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