iSwag LEGEND Manual De Usuario página 26

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Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

FCC Statem
1. This device c
complies with Part 15 of
f the FCC Rules. Opera
two conditions
(1) This device
may not cause harmfu
ul interference.
(2) This device
must accept any interf
ference received, inclu
cause undesire
ed operation.
2. Changes or m
modifications not expre
essly approved by the
compliance co
ould void the user's aut
hority to operate the e
This equipment
t has been tested and
found to comply with t
device, pursua
nt to Part 15 of the FCC
C Rules. These limits are
reasonable pro
otection against harmfu
ul interference in a resi
This equipment
t generates uses and c
an radiate radio frequ
installed and us
sed in accordance wit
th the instructions, may
to radio comm
unications. However, t
there is no guarantee t
occur in a part
icular installation. If this
s equipment does caus
radio or televisi
on reception, which ca
an be determined by t
on, the user is e
encouraged to try to co
orrect the interference
following meas
Reorient or relo
ocate the receiving ant
Increase the se
eparation between the
e equipment and recei
Connect the e
quipment into an outle
et on a circuit different
receiver is conn
Consult the dea
aler or an experienced
d radio/TV technician f
AG Legend
ation is subject to the fo
uding interference that
t may
party responsible for
the limits for a Class B d
e designed to provide
dential installation.
ency energy and, if no
y cause harmful interfer
hat interference will no
se harmful interference
e to
turning the equipment
off and
e by one or more of the
from that to which the
or help.
SAR Information
n Statement
Your wireless ph
hone is a radio transmi
tter and receiver. It is d
not to exceed
the emission limits for e
exposure to radiofreque
Federal Comm
munications Commission
n of the U.S. Governme
e guidelines and estab
lish permitted levels of
population. The
e guidelines are based
on standards that wer
independent sc
cientific organizations t
through periodic and t
scientific studie
es. The standards includ
de a substantial safety
the safety of al
l persons, regardless of
f age and health. The e
mobile phones
employs a unit of mea
asurement known as th
or SAR. The SAR
R limit set by the FCC is
1.6 W/kg. * Tests for SA
phone transmit
tting at its highest certif
fied power level in all te
Although the SA
AR is determined at the
e highest certified pow
of the phone w
while operating can be
e well below the maxim
phone is design
ned to operate at mult
tiple power levels so as
required to rea
ach the network. In gen
neral, the closer you are
antenna, the lo
ower the power output
t. Before a phone mod
public, it must b
be tested and certified
d to the FCC that it doe
established by
the government adop
pted requirement for sa
performed in p
ositions and locations
(e.g., at the ear and w
by the FCC for
each model. The high
est SAR value for this m
use at the ear i
s 0.266W/Kg and when
n worn on the body, as
is 0.337W/Kg(Bo
ody-worn measuremen
nts differ among phone
available acce
essories and FCC requir
rements). The maximum
mode is 0.409W
W/Kg.While there may b
be differences betwee
phones and at
various positions, they
all meet the governm
exposure. The F
FCC has granted an Eq
quipment Authorization
reported SAR le
evels evaluated as in c
ompliance with the FC
information on
this model phone is on
n file with the FCC and
Display Grant s
ection of http://www.f oet/fccid afte
FCC ID: O55L50
01X3 Additional informa
ation on Specific Abso
found on the C
Cellular Telecommunica
ations Industry Asso-cia
http://www.wo * In the U
United States and Cana
phones used b
y the public is 1.6 watts
s/kg (W/kg) averaged
standard incorp
porates a sub-stantial m
margin of safety to give
public and to a
account for any variati
ons in measurements.
AG Legend
designed and manufac
ency (RF) energy set by
y the
ent. These limits are par
rt of
RF energy for the gene
re developed by
thorough evaluation of
margin designed to as
exposure standard for w
he Specific Absorption
AR are conducted with
ested frequency band
wer level, the actual SA
AR level
mum value. This is becau
use the
s to use only the power
e to a wireless base sta
el is available for sale t
to the
es not exceed the limit
afe exposure. The tests
worn on the body) as re
model phone when test
ted for
s described in this user g
e models, depending u
m scaled SAR in hotspo
en the SAR levels of vari
ent requirement for saf
n for this model phone
with all
CC RFexposure guidelin
nes. SAR
can be found under th
er searching on
rption Rates (SAR) can
ation (CTIA) web-site at
ada, the SAR limit for m
over one gram of tissu
ue. The
e additional protection
n for the
Tabla de contenido

Tabla de contenido