Remove DEF Tank shield – (BlueTec vehicles only) Remove (6) M10 plastic flange nuts .
Lower exhaust – Lower the driver side exhaust by removing the rubber isolator from
the hanger using exhaust removal pliers or other suitable tool (spray with soapy water
to make this easier) and unbolt the exhaust hanger near the middle of the vehicle using
a 13mm socket. Repeat on passenger side if present. Be sure to support exhaust system
to prevent damage.
©2016 Cequent™ Performance Products, Inc. - Printed in Mexico
Remove bumper fascia brackets – Remove (3) bumper fascia brackets by removing the
(4) 10mm screws in the lower bumper fascia tabs and (5) 10mm nuts. 2014 and newer
models remove (3) bolts using a 10mm socket to remove the center fascia support
bracket. Return brackets and hardware to owner.
Remove Heat Shield – Remove the driver side heat shield by removing (3) formed nuts
and (1) bolt using an 8mm socket. Repeat on passenger side if present. 2014 and newer
models have a one piece heat shield, remove (6) fasteners using a 5mm socket and (2)
E10 torx bolts.
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