IMPORTANT, IMPORTANT – WAŻNE – Retain for future À conserver pour Należy dokładnie reference: de futurs besoins przeczytać niniejsze Read carefully. de référence : à lire informacje i soigneusement. zachować. WICHTIG – ВАЖНО – IMPORTANT – Bitte bewahren Sie Cохраните для Păstraţi aceste die Bedienungs- последующего...
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Assembly A monter soi-même Montaż Verlegung Монтаж Asamblarea Montaje Montagem Montaj [01] [01] x 2 [01] [05] [05] x 1 [02] [03] [02] x 1 [03] x 1...
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Assembly A monter soi-même Montaż Verlegung Монтаж Asamblarea Montaje Montagem Montaj [04] [04] [04] x 2 [06] [06] [07] [07] [06] x 2 [07] x 2...
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Assembly A monter soi-même Montaż Verlegung Монтаж Asamblarea Montaje Montagem Montaj [09] [09] x 1 [08] [08] x 2 [08] Care Entretien Pielęgnacja Pflege Уход Îngrijire Advertancia Aviso Bakim...
Página 6
UV Resistant. Do not store hot items in the box (for example, After installation, dispose of packaging in Lockable (lock not included). recently used grills, blowtorches, irons, etc). accordance with current legislation. Resistant to low and high temperature. Not suitable for storing food.
Página 7
üreticinin talimatlarina uyun. AEEE Yönetmeliğine Uygundur. ÖNEMLİ – BU BİLGİLERİ DAHA SONRA KULLANMAK ÜZERE SAKLAYIN: DİKKATLE OKUYUN. Plastmeccanica S.p.A. Viale del Lavoro, 3 - 60030 Castelbellino (An) Italy Tel- +39 0731 70766 - Fax +39 0731 703796 [email protected]