Step 5: Attaching Bottom Tray and Drawer
Assembly to Legs
Align holes in legs with matching holes in bottom
tray and drawer assembly as shown in figure 5.
Insert bolts through legs and into bottom tray
and/or drawer assembly and secure from the
inside with leg washers and nuts until all side
holes have been attached and hand tightened.
Step 6: Attaching the Handle
(A) Align the other legs with the front corners of
the bottom tray and drawer assembly. Align the
hole on the handle with the second hole down
on the drawer assembly and (unattached) leg as
shown in figure 6. Insert M8 x 19 handle bolts
through handle, through the legs and into the
drawer assembly as shown in figure 6. Secure
with washer and nut from handle bolt kit and
hand tighten.
(B) Attach remaining M8 x 17 bolts (on the
opposite side from push handle) directly into
Step 7: Securing Legs
Using two people, turn the cart upright. Continue
to bolt through aligned holes in the front and
back of the cart with the M8 x 17 bolts, washers,
and nuts as shown in figure 7. Hand tighten. ALL
holes should now be aligned and secured.
Step 8: Tightening Bolts (not shown)
Use a 13mm wrench or a ratchet with 13mm
socket or adjustable wrench to tighten all bolts.
Be sure to apply pressure to bolt head while
tightening to keep in correct position. Once all
bolts are tightened, your cart is complete. See
page 4 for parts breakdown.
rev. 08/04/14