Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Enlaces rápidos

Select the required template
This machine is supplied with a standard template with
numerals and an English alphabet. Using the upper side, letters
up to 1.3 mm in height can be engraved while with the reverse
side the engraved letters can be up to 0.8 mm in height. Before
engraving, select a suitable size and style of letter.
Holding the ring
Insert the ring (N) into the grooves of the three self-centring
fibre jaws (E) and tighten by turning the knob (C) clockwise to
rotate the chuck disk (H) as shown in Fig. 2. The jaws have
narrow and wide grooves for different sizes of rings. Reverse
the jaws when necessary by loosening the locking nut (D) as
illustrated in Fig. 3. When engraving the inside of a ring with a
stone, place the stone between the two jaws with the largest
Engraving rings
1. Before engraving, decide on the starting position of the first
character according to the stone, carat mark, etc. on the
ring (N). To do so, rotate the ring in the fibre jaws (E) by
raising the lever (F) as far as the stop of the adjusting screw
(R). The lever is shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 4 (F).
2. The template (J) is released by pushing forward the release
lever (I) as illustrated in Fig. 1 and Fig. 5. Turn the dial
either clockwise or counter clockwise with your left hand
and lock the first character to be printed on the dial in front
of the stopping pin (B) see Fig. 6. Push down the lever (F)
to bring the diamond cutter (O) into contact with the inside
of the ring and press down on the stylus cap (L). Once this
is done, trace the grooves of the character on the template
with the tip of the stylus (M) as shown in Fig. 6.
3. To achieve a neater result, trace the letters with the tracing
stylus (M) as shown in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 rather than as
shown in Fig. 9.
4. After tracing one letter, raise the lever (F) until the stop of
the adjusting screw (R) hits the baseplate and gently
release. The ring in the ring chuck (H) turns and the space
between the characters will automatically be set. At the
© Copyright Albert Froidevaux & Fils S.A., 1998
Inside Ring Engraving Machine
Ref. 106.620 / 621
Instructions for use
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6

Resumen de contenidos para AF Switzerland 106.620

  • Página 1 Inside Ring Engraving Machine Ref. 106.620 / 621 Instructions for use Fig. 1 Select the required template This machine is supplied with a standard template with numerals and an English alphabet. Using the upper side, letters up to 1.3 mm in height can be engraved while with the reverse side the engraved letters can be up to 0.8 mm in height.
  • Página 2 same time, the stopping pin (B) retracts and disengages from the notch of the template (J) which can then be rotated for the next character. Note : If you forget to turn the dial after raising the lever (F), you may release the template by pushing back the release lever (I).
  • Página 3 Machine à graver l’intérieur des bagues Réf. 106.620 Mode d’emploi Fig. 1 Sélectionner le disque-chablon Cette machine est fournie avec un disque-chablon standard comprenant les chiffres et l’alphabet anglais. D’un côté, les caractères mesurent 1.3mm; de l’autre les caractères sont de 0.8mm.
  • Página 4 retire de l’entaille du disque-chablon (J), ce qui permet de le tourner pour pouvoir tracer le caractère suivant. Remarque : si on oublie de tourner le chablon après avoir soulevé le levier (F), on peut débloquer le chablon en repoussant le levier de déblocage (I).
  • Página 5: Máquina Para Grabar El Interior De Los Anillos

    Máquina para grabar el interior de los anillos No. 106.620 Seleccionar el disco Esta máquina está suministrada con un disco estándar que comprende las cifras y el alfabeto inglés. En un lado del disco las letras Fig. 1 miden 1.3mm, en el otro de 0.8mm. Antes de grabar, seleccionar el tamaño y el estilo de las letras.
  • Página 6 Determinar el espacio El espacio entre los caracteres se regula al ajustar el tornillo (R). Un espacio correcto se obtiene si se mueve de cuatro o cinco muescas cada vez que se empuja el trinquete (G). No olvidar de apretar la tuerca (U) del tornillo de ajuste (R).
  • Página 7 Macchina per incidere l’interno delle fedi Ref. 106.620 Istruzioni per l’uso Fig. 1 Selezionare il disco Questa macchina è consegnata con un disco standard composto di cifre e lettere inglese. Usando il lato superiore si può incidere le lettere fino a 1.3 mm di altezza, mentre il lato opposto fino a 0.8 mm.
  • Página 8 mandrino (H), gira e automaticamente lo spazio fra i caratteri viene aggiustato. Nello stesso tempo la punta di arresto (B) si ritira dalla dentellatura del disco (J), che permette ora di girarlo in posizione di un nuovo carattere. Nota : Se si dimentica di girare il disco dopo aver alzato la leva (F), si può...
  • Página 9 Aggiustare la posizione della punta diamante (D) al centro dell’anello. Nut (B) Nut (C) Screw (A) Front Diamond point (D) 1. Ritirare la copertura superiore della macchina togliendo le quattro viti sulla parte posteriore. Per centrare, utilizzare degli anelli uniformemente sagomati con una sezione trasversale simmetrica.

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