OpEratInG InStructIOnS
Place fruit in Citrus Wedger base as shown.
• For 8 perfect wedges, place whole fruit in Citrus Wedger.
• For 16 perfect wedges, cut fruit in half and place both halves in Citrus Wedger.
Align Citrus Wedger pushing block over top of fruit and firmly press down.
Cut fruit in half
as shown to yield
16 wedges
carE anD MaIntEnancE
Wash and dry by hand only, using care to avoid blades.
Call Bar Maid at (954) 960-1468 to purchase replacement blades.
LIMItED Warranty
Bar Maid provides a 1 Year Limited Warranty from the date of purchase covering defects
in materials and workmanship. In the unlikely event that you have a problem with your
Citrus Wedger, call our Customer Service line at (954) 960-1468 with the description of
the problem.
This warranty does not cover accidental damage, damage caused by abuse, damage
caused by use contrary to the operating instructions or damage caused by using the Citrus
Wedger for a purpose other than for what it was intended. This warranty is limited only
to the cost of repairing or replacing the warranted equipment, at Bar Maid's discretion.