FMC Pyrethrin Fogger Guia De Inicio Rapido página 2

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Does not control bed bugs.
Highly Flammable Ingredient
Ingrediente Altamente Inflamable
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsis-
tent with its labeling.
TO USE THIS PRODUCT CORRECTLY: Do not use in a room 5 ft. x 5
ft. or smaller; instead, allow fog to enter from other rooms. Turn off ALL
ignition sources such as pilot lights (shut off gas valves), other
open flames or running electrical appliances that cycle off and on
(i.e. refrigerators, thermostats, etc.). Call your gas utility or manage-
ment company if you need assistance with your pilot lights. Use one 5
oz. unit for a 25 by 25 ft room with an 8 ft ceiling. Do not remain in the
area during treatment, and ventilate thoroughly before reentry. Do not
apply more than 1 time per day.
Open cabinets and doors to area to be treated. Shut off fans and air
conditioners. Put out all flames and pilot lights. Close doors and win-
dows. Point valve opening away from face and eyes when releasing.
DO NOT use more than one fogger per room. DO NOT use in small
enclosed spaces such as closets, cabinets or under counters or tables.
Use of a fogger in an enclosed space may cause the product to
explode, resulting in injury to people or damage to property.
TO OPERATE VALVE: To lock valve in open position for automatic dis-
charge, press valve button all the way down, hooking the catch. Then
place fogger on stand or table in the center of the room with valve
locked open, placing several layers of newspaper or pad under fogger.
Vacate the treated house, individual apartment unit, or other struc-
ture immediately. Fill out and place hang-tag on the door to the treated
area to alert family and others with access to the treated area not to
enter for 2 hours. Leave building at once and keep building closed for
two hours before airing out. Do not reenter for 2 hours.
Open all doors and windows and allow to air for one-half hour. Repeat
spraying in two weeks or when necessary.
To Kill Ticks and Fleas: Destroy pet's old bedding and replace. Use
this product as above. Pets should be treated with a registered tick and
flea control product prior to reentry. Repeat as necessary to bring infes-
tation under control.
General Precautions and Restrictions:
For residential applications:
Remove or cover exposed food and drinking water before application.
Remove or cover dishes, utensils, food processing equipment, and food
preparation surfaces, or wash them before use. Do not enter or allow
others to enter until vapors, mists, and aerosols have dispersed, and
the treated area has been thoroughly ventilated. Wait two (2) hours
after application, then open windows, vents and doors for two
hours. If an odor is still detected additional ventilation is required.
For commercial applications:
Do not apply while food processing is underway. Cover or remove all
food processing surfaces. Thoroughly wash all food processing sur-
faces before reuse. After spraying in bakeries, meat packing plants,
food processing plants, etc., all benches, shelving, equipment, etc.
where exposed food will be handled must be washed with an effective
cleaning compound followed by a potable water rinse prior to use. In
hospitals, remove patients prior to treatment. Ventilate area for two
hours prior to returning patients. Do not enter or allow others to enter
until vapors, mists, and aerosols have dispersed, and the treated area
has been thoroughly ventilated.
Page 2
Obtained by Global Safety Management, 1-813-435-5161 -
Do not use multiple canisters in a
No flames or pilot lights
Air out the room before entering
Do not re-enter for 2 hours
Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal.
Pesticide Storage: Do not store near heat or open flame. Store in cool
dry area away from children.
Pesticide Disposal & Container Handling: Do not Puncture or
Incinerate! If empty: Place in trash or offer for recycling if available. If
partly filled: Call your local solid waste agency for disposal instructions.
Turn off ignition sources
Remove or cover exposed food
Do not use in small, confined