Paso C400-EN Serie Instrucciones De Empleo página 4

Columnas sonoras para sistemas de alarma
Sound columns are special sound speakers, designed to sa sfy specifi c
direc vity requirements. Using the acous c principle of phase interferences
between two or more loudspeakers, placed near each other along a ver cal
axis, it is possible to reduce the ver cal angle of the output sound front.
The higher the number of speakers, the smaller the output angle. Reducing
this angle makes it possible to limit the quan ty of sound energy directed
towards refl ec ng surfaces (such as fl oors and ceilings), thus increasing the
intelligibility of the diff used program even in environments with a high level
of reverbera on.
The new columns of the C400-EN range feature loudspeakers with a broad
response range and high-effi ciency tweeters enabling perfect intelligibility
of speech and accurate reproduc on of music.
These speaker units have been developed specifi cally for use in emergency
and evacua on systems (VES) and each has its own ceramic terminal strip
and thermal fuse. These ensure the protec on of the line connec ng the
loudspeakers if a fi re puts one or more of the speaker units connected to
it out of use. This speaker units are fi ed with fi reproof cable according to
UNI 9795 2010 (length 80 cm). All the models have line-repea ng coils.
The connec ons to the various diff erent plugs are available with cables
leading out from the column: for connec on refer to the data plate on the
rear of the column. These columns can be turned in any direc on thanks to
the S4-B swivel joint included in the supply.
For column posi oning you shall keep into account the specifi c output
angles of the various models, as shown in the Specifi ca ons. You shall
choose the right height at which the column shall be placed and the l ng
angle towards the distribu on area to avoid "dimmed" listening zones (i.e.
outside the column's sound sca ering angle). To cover a wider area on the
horizontal plane, you can mount two columns side by side at about 60°
from each other. Do not use a smaller angle as interference might occur in
the areas where radia on pa erns overlap.
The jointed S4-B support is supplied with the equipment. It can be used
to secure the column to a wall and to point it in the desired direc on. The
support should preferably be fi xed to the centre of the column, compa bly
with the desired inclina on. To do this, use the four screws supplied with the
equipment (Fig. 2). For securing to a wall, use of screws and/or expansion
bolts of the appropriate size in rela on to the weight of the column and
the type of wall is recommended. Using a threaded M6x20 grub screw, as
shown in Fig. 3, it is possible to mount the two sound columns (both of the
same type) one on top of the other. In this way a single sound column is
obtained which is twice as high, with an opening angle on the ver cal plane
which is further reduced.
Avvertenze per il corre o smal mento del prodo o ai sensi della Dire va
Europea 2002/96/EC Alla fi ne della sua vita u le il prodo o non deve
essere smal to insieme ai rifi u urbani, ma deve essere consegnato presso
gli apposi centri di raccolta diff erenziata predispos dalle amministrazioni
comunali, oppure presso i rivenditori che forniscono questo servizio.
Smal re separatamente un rifi uto ele rico e/o ele ronico (RAEE) consente
di evitare possibili conseguenze nega ve per l'ambiente e per la salute
derivan da un suo smal mento inadeguato e perme e di recuperare
i materiali di cui è composto al fi ne di o enere un importante risparmio
di energia e di risorse. Su ciascun prodo o è riportato a questo scopo il
marchio del contenitore di spazzatura barrato.
Important informa on for correct disposal of the product in accordance
with EC Direc ve 2002/96/EC This product must not be disposed of as
urban waste at the end of its working life. It must be taken to a special waste
collec on centre licensed by the local authori es or to a dealer providing
this service. Separate disposal of electric and/or electronic equipment
(WEEE) will avoid possible nega ve consequences for the environment
and for health resul ng from inappropriate disposal, and will enable the
cons tuent materials to be recovered, with signifi cant savings in energy
and resources. As a reminder of the need to dispose of this equipment
separately, the product is marked with a crossed-out wheeled dustbin.
Questo prodo o è conforme alle
Dire ve della Comunità Europea
so o le quali lo stesso ricade.
Questo prodo o è garan to esente da dife
nel suo montaggio; il periodo di garanzia è regolamentato dalle norme
vigen . La Paso riparerà gratuitamente il prodo o dife oso qui garan to se
il dife o risulterà essersi verifi cato durante l'uso normale; la garanzia non
si estende quindi a prodo
usa ed installa in modo errato, danneggia
meccanicamente, danneggia
prodo o, risultato dife oso, dovrà essere inviato alla Paso franco di spese
di spedizione e ritorno. Questa garanzia non ne comprende altre, esplicite
od implicite, e non comprende danni o inciden conseguen a persone o
cose. Conta are i distributori PASO della zona per maggiori informazioni
sulla garanzia.
This product is warranted to be free from defects in raw materials and
assembly. The warranty period is governed by the applicable provisions of
law. Paso will repair the product covered by this warranty free of charge if it
is faulty, provided the defect has occurred during normal use. The warranty
does not cover products that are improperly used or installed, mechanically
damaged or damaged by liquids or the weather. If the product is found to
be faulty, it must be sent to Paso free of charges for shipment and return.
This warranty does not include any others, either explicit or implicit, and
does not cover consequen al damage to property or personal injury. For
further informa on concerning the warranty contact your local PASO
This product is in keeping
with the relevant European
Community Direc ves.
nelle sue materie prime e
da liquidi o da agen
atmosferici. Il

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