appropriate welding lens shade MUST be worn to protect the operator's eyes from radiant energy and flying sparks or hot
1.2.2 Fire prevention
Since electric welding arc produces hot metal, sparks, and slag, precautions must be taken to prevent fire and/or explosions.
Make sure that appropriate fire extinguishing equipment is available in the immediate welding area.
All combustible materials must be removed from the immediate welding area to a distance of at least 10 meters(35 feets) away.
Never arc weld empty containers which have held toxic or potentially explosive materials. Those containers must be thoroughly
cleaned prior to welding.
Never arc weld in an atmosphere which contains heavy concentrations of dust, flammable gas, or combustible liquid
vapors(such as gasoline).
After each welding operation make sure to let welded material to cool down before touching it or putting it in contact with
combustible or flammable materials.
1.2.3 Toxic Fumes
Proper precautions must be exercised to prevent the exposure of the operator or others in the surrounding area to possible toxic
fumes which may be generated during electric are welding.
Certain chlorinated solvents will decompose under ultraviolet radiations to form phosgene gas. Care must be exercised to avoid
the use of these solvents on materials being weld with electric arc welding equipment. Containers of these solvents and other
degreasing agents must be removed from the immediate area near the welding arc.
Metals coated with or containing significant amounts of lead, cadmium, zinc, mercury, and beryllium can produce harmful
concentration of toxic fumes when subject to electric arc welding operations. Adequate local exhaust ventilation must be used or
the operator must be wearing special equipment to guarantee a supply of fresh air as a respirator or air supplied helmet.
Do not weld metals coated with materials which emit toxic fumes unless 1) the coating is removed prior to welding, 2) the area is
adequately ventilated, or 3) the operator is supplied with fresh-air breathing equipment.
1.2.4 Radiation
Ultra-violet radiations created by the arc may be harmful to the eyes and burn the skin; it is therefore imperative to wear
protective clothing and helmet.
Contact lenses should not be used as the intense heat coming from the arc may cause them to stick to the cornea.
The mask used during welding should be equipped with grade DIN 10 safety lenses at least and they should immediately be
replaced whenever damaged or broken.
Since the arc may damage the eyes it is considered dangerous up to a distance of 15 meters (50 feets) and it should never be
locked at with the naked eye.
1.2.5 Electric shock
All electric shocks are potentially fatal and therefore live wires and/or parts should never be touched.
Insulation must be kept from the piece to be welded and from the ground by wearing insulation gloves and clothing.
Garments such as gloves, shoes, hats, clothings and body must be kept dry at all times and it is to be avoided working in humid
or wet areas.
Never touch or hold the piece to be welded by hand; if the slightest electric shock is felt, welding should be stopped immediately;
the unit is not to be used until the problem is identified and solved by qualified personnel.
Frequently inspect the primary power cable for damage or cracking of the cover and replace immediately damaged cable.
Disconnect power supply cable from mains before replacing cables or before removing unit covers.
Always replace any damaged parts of the unit, with original material.
Never short out or in any other way defeat the safety interlock devices and make sure that the power supply line is equipped
with an efficient earth plug.
Make sure that the work table is connected to a good earth ground.
Any maintenance is to be carried out by qualified personnel only that is to be aware of the risks due to dangerous voltages
necessary for the operation of the unit.
1.2.6 Pacemaker
Person wearing electronic life support devices (such as pacemaker) should consult with their doctor before going near arc
welding, cutting, gouging or spot welding operations in order to make sure that magnetic fields associated with high currents do
not affected their devices.
The welding power supplies deliver constant current and are designed with INVERTER technology using components having
high performance and high reliability and can use for stick electrode and TIG welding.
The power supply is built on a single main board with the control logics on separate interchangeable hybrid boards which give
the system a very high degree of reliability and simplify maintenance and service.
The power module uses an INVERTER working at a frequency higher than 80 kHz with a very low dynamic response time (500
millisecond) resulting in an extremely smooth welding characteristic which gives easier starting, more homogeneous droplet
size, better penetration and smoother bead appearance.