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t a k i n g t h e B r a c e l e t a p a r t
Open the folding clasp by pressing the buttons on the side. Lay
the bracelet with the outside on a firm base. To avoid scratching
the bracelet and base, place a cloth underneath the bracelet. Us-
ing the special tool provided, you can now push down the fixing
bolt at the desired point of separation and, at the same time,
slide the bracelet link outwards (1). Now slide the opposing ex-
ternal bracelet link away from the bracelet with both the hinged
links, without pushing down its fixing bolt (2). The bracelet is now
separated (3).
d e t e r M i n i n g h O W M a n y l i n k s t O r e M O V e
Place the watch with the folding clasp closed around your wrist
and use the overlap to estimate the number of surplus bracelet
links that you can now remove as described below. If you need
to shorten the bracelet by several links, we recommend removing
the same number of links from each half of the bracelet, if pos-
sible, to ensure that the clasp can be worn more or less in the
centre of the wrist.
p i l O t ' s W a t c h M a r k X V i i