4 ChargINg The helICOPTer
Attention: The battery must cool down for 10 to 15 minutes before charging and
after every flight. Failure to do so may result in the battery becoming damaged.
The charging process is electronically monitored, but do not leave it unsupervised.
• Switch off the helicopter and the remote control.
• Carefully insert the charging cable in the charge socket of the helicopter (4A). The
plug must be gently inserted into the charging socket – DO NOT USE FORCE. If the
plug is not correctly inserted into the charging socket, the helicopter may become
damaged and, under certain circumstances, become an injury risk.
• Switch on the remote control, the power LED illuminates red (4B).
• The charge status LED now illuminates green and shows the charging process (4C).
• When the green charging status LED goes out completely, it signifies that the
charging process has been completed.
• After the charging process, switch the power switch to "OFF" and disconnect the
charge cable from the helicopter.
• Note: If the charge status LED is not longer illuminated at the beginning of the
charging process, the batteries in the remote control are weak and should be
After a charge time of approx. 40 minutes with the accompanying USB charge
cable the helicopter can fly for approx. 5-7 minutes.
You can also charge your helicopter with the accompanying USB cable:
• Switch off the helicopter.
• Carefully insert the charging cable in the charge socket of the helicopter (4A).
The plug must be gently inserted into the charging socket – DO NOT USE FORCE.
If the plug is not correctly inserted into the charging socket, the helicopter may
become damaged and, under certain circumstances, become an injury risk.
• Insert the USB plug in an open USB port.
• The charging process is complete as soon as the USB plug illuminates.
• Disconnect the USB plug from the USB port.
5 STarT PreParaTION
The thrust control (the left control on the remote control) must point down before
switching on (5A). Then set the ON/OFF switch of the remote control to the "ON"
position; the Power LED will blink red (5B). Now set the ON/OFF switch on the right
side of the helicopter to the "ON" position (5C). The LED in the bottom of the helicopter
begins to blink quickly. Place the helicopter on the ground so that the tail points
toward you (5D). When the LED stops blinking, the helicopter is ready for flight.
Press the right control joystick to switch the lighting on the helicopter on and off.
The correct trim is a basic requirement for fault-free flying behaviour of the helicopter.
Its adjustment is simple, but it requires some patience and a feel for it. Please observe
the following instructions precisely: Carefully move the thrust control up and raise the
helicopter approximately 0.5 to 1 metre in altitude.
If the helicopter automatically
rotates clockwise...
If the helicopter begins to automatically
rotate clockwise quickly or slowly, rotate
the left/right trim adjustment control
anti-clockwise until the helicopter no
longer rotates automatically.
7 FlIghT CONTrOl
7A In order to start or gain altitude,
carefully move the thrust control
7C To fly forward, carefully move the
directional control forward.
7E To fly along a left-handed curve,
carefully move the directional control
to the left, as long as the helicopter
tail is facing toward the pilot.
7G Press the turbo button (2B) in order
to be able to fly faster forward and
backward. Press the turbo button again
in order to fly more slowly again.
The connection of your helicopter to your remote control is already established at the
factory. Should it become necessary to re-establish connection, proceed as follows:
1. Switch off the helicopter and the remote control.
2. Turn on the remote control; the red power LED will blink.
3. Now switch your helicopter on; the LED on the bottom of the helicopter begins
to blink.
4. As soon as the red LED on the remote control illuminates continuously, the
connection has been established and you can begin.
If the helicopter automatically
rotates anti-clockwise ...
If the helicopter begins to automatically
rotate anticlockwise quickly or slowly,
rotate the left/right trim adjustment
control clockwise until the helicopter no
longer rotates automatically.
7B Move the thrust control back for
landing or to fly lower. Only minimal
corrections to the controller are
necessary to ensure smoothing
flying of the helicopter!
7D To fly backward, pull the control
back carefully.
7F To fly to the right, carefully move
the directional control to the right,
as long as the helicopter tail is
facing toward the pilot.