1. When the unit is operating, turn the speed control knob in a clockwise direction
to increase the speed. From speed 1 to 10, as the speed increases, the
corresponding indicator(s) light(s) up to show the speed. For example, when a
unit is operating at speed 6, 6 indicators will light up.
2. When unit is operating at the highest speed, all speed indicators will light up
and turning the knob clockwise will not increase the speed any further.
3. When the unit is operating, turn the speed control knob in a counter-clockwise
direction to decrease the speed. When a unit is operating at the lowest speed,
only 1 speed indicator will light up and turning the knob counter-clockwise will
not decrease the speed any further.
1. When the unit is operating, adjust to desired speed for sleep mode. Press the
sleep mode button to activate. When sleep mode is activated, all the lights
in the control panel will turn off with only the power indicator lowly dimmed in
2. Press any button on the control panel or turn the knob to deactivate Sleep
Mode. The unit will remain operating at the same speed set for sleep mode
and all indicators are illuminated.
1. When the unit is in standby mode, the deodorizer indicator is turned off.
2. When the unit is turned on, the deodorizer function should remain turned off
and no indicator is lit.
3. Press the deodorizer button once, the 15 minutes indicator is lit in red. The
deodorizer will run in 15-minute cycles. This allows the deodorizer to run for 15
minutes, stop for 15 minutes and resume running for another 15 minutes.
4. Press the deodorizer button again, the 2-hrs indicator is lit in red. The deodorizer
will run for 2 hours and then stop operating.
5. Press the deodorizer button for the 3rd time, the 4-hrs indicator is lit in red. The
deodorizer will run for 4 hours and then stop operating.
6. Press the deodorizer button for the 4th time, the 24-hrs indicator is lit in red.
The deodorizer will run for 24 hours and then stop operating.
7. Press the deodorizer button for the 5th time to deactivate the deodorizer.
The deodorizing system creates activated oxygen which oxidize molecules
which cause odors that contaminate indoor air and aggravate allergic
reactions such as sneezing, sinus and ear irritations, asthma and itchy eyes by
significantly reducing chemical gases, new carpet odors, bacteria, fungus,
paint fumes, tobacco smoke, fungi and mold. They also remove any pet odor
and dander.
NOTE: Only use the deodorizer function when people and pets are not in the room.