10. Loosely clamp the "PINS" wood into the jig with the outside face
pointing inward.
11. Insert the "TAILS" from previous cut into the teeth on the bottom of
adjuster plate. Position the wood to be cut by lining up the sides
with the first piece. (FIG. 13)
12. With the edges of both boards aligned; tighten the thumbscrews
(NOTE THE CAUTION FROM STEP #5) and secure the stock to the
bench. Remove the "TAILS" board before proceeding.
13. Make all cuts. For this cut the router should ride on the surface of
the depth plate as shown in FIG. 14. Be sure to follow the jig profile
as the slots are wider than the cutter bearings. This is to allow for
a rough and a finish pass.
14. Before gluing, fit the two sections together. The joint should be
tight and even with no gaps. If problems arise, file or trim the
joint to improve the fit.
FIG. 11
FIG. 13
*This requires a dovetail cutter bit with a depth greater than
the wood you are cutting.
The steps required to cut a full through joint (FIG. 15) are very similar
to those described in the previous section CUTTING A HALF BLIND
DOVETAIL JOINT, with the following exceptions:
1. When cutting the "TAILS" (FIG. 15) portion of the joint, set the bit
depth to slightly greater than the thickness of the "PINS" board.
This will ensure that the tails are slightly proud when fit and can
be sanded down for a flush fit. (FIG. 16)
2. When cutting the "PINS" portion of the joint, set the cutter depth
deeper (tighter) first and adjust to the desired joint fit.
Joints over 6" wide must be cut in multiple
segments. To align the jig with the previous cut,
the aligning tool must be used.
1. Move the wood in the jig and position the last slot from the
previous cut in the last channel of the jig.
2. Loosely clamp the wood in the jig.
3. Insert the aligning tool into the slot to properly center the wood
with the jig. (FIG. 17)
4. Tighten the thumbscrews, (CAUTION: DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN),
and continue cutting.
5. Repeat as necessary.
FIG. 14
FIG. 15
FIG. 16
FIG. 10
FIG. 12