Composting all year round and fast – Installation manual and composting tips
The ECO-Master can be assembled very easily and quickly without tools. The side panels are plugged easily into each other, done! This is
simple and very easy. Before you build and fill the composter you are looking for a suitable location. When choosing a location, ensure that
your composter is easy to access from the house and garden. Think of your neighbors and install it at least 0.5 m away from their property.
Put the composter on a flat surface
Contact with the ground is important (microorganisms)
We recommend to loosen the soil first
Do not put the composter on asphalt or concrete surfaces
What to put in your composter:
eggshells (crushed), potted plants, cut flowers, used potting soil.
What must not be put in your composter:
bread, cheese rind, bones, sick plant parts, ashes from coal and barbecue coal, cigarettes,
vacuum cleaner bags, street rubbish.
Wet materials should be mixed with dry ones and coarse materials with fine ones.
Ensure for the ventilation of the composters. Ensure that the compost is damp but not too wet.
We wish you much success and good composting results!
— Eine Handelsmarke der Otto Graf GmbH
Otto Graf GmbH Kunststofferzeugnisse
Graf Distribution S.A.R.L. • Transformateur de matières plastiques
Fruit and vegetable matter, coffee and tea grounds,
Meat and meat products, fish, leftovers,
GRAF IBERICA • Tecnología del Plástico S.L.
Graf UK Ltd
Target House • Thorpe Way Ind. Estate • Banbury • Oxfordshire • UK-OX16 4SP •
[email protected]
Sunny or partly shadow position
Wind-protected, but not windless position
The Thermo King floor grid (accessory) provides protection against