Meter and Lancing Device Cleaning and Disinfecting
What is the difference between cleaning and disinfecting?
Cleaning is the removal of dirt from the meter or lancing device.
Disinfecting is the removal of most, but not all, disease-causing and other types of microorganisms
(bloodborne pathogens) from the meter or lancing device.
Approved Cleaning and Disinfecting Product
The following product has been approved for cleaning and disinfecting the meter and lancing device:
Super Sani-Cloth (EPA* reg. no. 9480-4)
Super Sani-Cloth can be purchased from,, and
• Do not use any other cleaning or disinfecting solutions. Using solutions other than the Super Sani-Cloth
could result in damage to the meter and lancing device.
• The effect of using more than one product interchangeably to clean and disinfect the meter and lancing
device has not been tested. Always use Super Sani-Cloth to clean and disinfect the meter and lancing
• Roche has demonstrated that the product is good for 5-year use, after testing in a total of
260 disinfection cycles (equal to cleaning and disinfecting once per week for 5 years).
*Environmental Protection Agency