sing accessories not recommen e or not s pplie
appliance ma entail ris s o re electric shoc or in ries to people
he appliance complies ith eg lation EC No
the materials in contact ith oo
his appliance can e se
or mental capa ilities or lac o e perience an
s per ise
a responsi le person or i the ha e recei e an
instr ctions regar ing the appliance sa e se an i the ha e n erstoo the
hazar s in ol e
Chil ren shall not pla
Cleaning an
ser maintenance shall not e ma e
age rom
ears an a o e an s per ise
Al a s eep the appliance an the po er cor o t o the reach o chil ren n er
the age o
Position the appliance so that chil ren cannot reach the hot parts
Do not lea e the pac aging near chil ren eca se it is potentiall
Pre ent chil ren rom gra ing the po er cor in this a ma ing the appliance
In the e ent that this appliance is to e ispose o it is s ggeste that the po er cor
is c t o It is also recommen e that all potentiall angero s components incl ing
the po er cor are ren ere harmless to pre ent personal in r Do not let chil ren
ith the appliance or its components
Danger o
rns Do not to ch the metal parts the li an the o o the appliance
ring se an or the min tes ollo ing its sh t o n
se pot hol ers or tea to els
hen the appliance is not in se npl g it rom the electrical soc et Let the
appliance cool o n e ore cleaning it
Do not mo e the appliance hile it still contains oo
Al a s place the ingre ients into the pot onl to pre ent oo rom to ching the
heating elements
D ring se hen the li is opene hot air an steam escape rom the pot Keep
o r han s an ace a a to a oi getting
Attention hot s r ace
Be ore pl gging the appliance into the mains soc et ens re that the oltage
sho n on the rating plate matches the local oltage s ppl
Danger for children
persons ho ha e re ce ph sical sensor
ith the appliance or its components
Warning of burns
ait or the cooling o hot parts
Danger due to electricity
the man act rer o the
no le ge onl i the are
chil ren nless the are
nl to ch the han les an
e to hot steam
n erstoo
angero s