ge through the first stage shall pass throu-
gh a 0.20 dia. hole.
Unscre w the knob positioned on the yoke
or, in case o f Thread connection system,
unscre w the threaded ring nut.
Lay the cylinder do w n to prevent it from
f alling, positioning it in such a w ay that it
cannot roll in any direction.
Thoroughly clean and dry the first stage
filter and housing w ith a cloth or with a
so f t compressed-air jet.
Repeat the same operation on the protec-
tion cap covering the filter.
Place the protection cap onto the filter
and f asten it by tightening the knob scre w
or, in case o f thread connection, scre w up
the swivel-scre w cap.
Rinse but do not immerse the regulator in
running fresh w ater taking care o f all its
In this phase do not f or any reason remo-
ve the first stage filter protection cap. Du-
ring this operation be extremely care f ul
not to press on the diaphragm, to avoid
w ater leaks into the first and second stage.
If you think you are not going to use the reg-
ulator f or some w eeks, again connect the reg-
ulator to a cylinder and, by depressing the
second stage pushbutton, cause continuous
delivery f or about ten seconds. In this w ay all
the w ater is discharged and there is no risk o f
scale deposits or evil taste.
The regulator shall be put to dry in a place
sheltered from the sun and dust, hanging
from the first stage yoke, so that the hose is
not bent.
A t the end of a particularly intensive diving
season or, in any case, after a long period of in-
activity, it is advisable to give the equipment to
an authorized service centre for a complete
overhaul. Consequently, w e advise you to con-
tact your dealer w ho will give you the best in-
formation on the quickest and safest w ays for
carrying out the annual overhaul.
Incorrect preparation f or cold w ater diving
(less t h a n +10 d e gre es ce n tigra d e) mig h t
cause serious damage.
Be f ore diving in cold w ater, you should f ollo w
specific training under the supervision o f spe-
cialized and qualified trainers in cold w ater
You must use specific regulators certified f or
such conditions and closely f ollo w the instruc-
tions contained in the relevant handbooks.
Though the risks o f freezing are limited as f ar
as possible by continuous research, it is not
possible to prevent second stage freezing in
the most extreme conditions.
This could be the case w hen the w ater tem-
perature is belo w +4 degrees centigrade and
w ith external air temperatures is belo w zero).
Consequently, in order to prevent or reduce
any possible risks, adequate training is need-
ed to prevent the regulator from freezing.
In extreme conditions you should strictly ob-
serve the f ollo w ing guidelines:
1. Do not use the regulator out o f the w ater
particularly w hen the external surf ace tem-
perature is belo w zero.
2. Never actuate the second stage discharge
pushbutton unless under w ater.
3. Try to limit as f ar as possible the time o f rest
on the surf ace be f ore diving.
For further information you may contact our
technical office at the following e-mail