Read all instructions before use of the chan in table.
Keep instructions for future use.
Do not use chan in table if it is dama ed or broken.
If a means of attachment to the contoured chan in pad or
add-on chan in unit is provided, the instructional literature shall
provide instructions on how to secure the contoured chan in
pad or add-on chan in unit to the support surface.
This product is not intended to be used as a chan in table
without adult supervision. Use of the product without this may
result in death or serious injury to your child from fallin . Follow
all instructions on attachin and usin the chan in table.
Recommended maximum wei ht of the occupant for which the
chan in table, add-on chan in unit, or contoured chan in
pad is
lb (
. k ).
Babies have su ocated while sleepin on chan in areas:
chan in area is not desi ned for safe sleep. NEVER allow baby
to sleep on chan in area.
Children have su ered serious injuries after fallin from chan in
areas. Falls can happen quickly.
STAY within arm's reach.
ALWAYS secure this pad to the support surface by usin the
provided hardware. See instructions.
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