3b. Blind frame variant:
Step 1: Preparing the installation space
• Make a cut-out in the ceiling with dimension 315 mm x 850 mm.
• Place the mounting frame behind the ceiling so that the inner lugs are inserted
into the cut-out.
• Centre the mounting frame over the cut-out and on the front side screw to the
ceiling plate using the inner lugs.
• Center the mounting frame in the cutout and screw it to the front panel with the
ceiling plate. For thin ceiling panels (<15mm), bend or remove the mounting tabs
if necessary. (Detail A)
Step 2: Mounting the heater in the installation space
• Make the electrical connection to the device, but do not switch on.
• Screw the heater to the mounting frame using 6 M 4 x18 screws and U-washers
• Tighten the screws
Detail A